Here’s What You Need To Do To Attract The Right Woman

When we don’t have much luck on the dating front, we usually question ourselves. We ask, “What’s wrong with me? What am I lacking?” Well, it’s right for us to think that the major reason why we don’t have much of a love life is ourselves. But, it’s not because we lack something. We don’t attract the right woman because of our actions and our perspectives.

To Attract The Right Woman, We Have To Change The Following Perspectives

Changing your perspective on certain things won’t help you get a date instantly. However, as you go through the dating scene, whether online dating or offline, people are going to see the change in you. This is going to attract the right woman and help you maintain a serious relationship. So, here’s what you need to change:

1. Thinking That You Have Less To Offer

We all have different things that we can offer in a relationship. Just because what you have right now is not at par with what you think others have, it doesn’t mean that you are less.

2. Your Belief That All People Will Change

It’s so optimistic for a person to think that everyone can change. On the contrary, everyone has the capacity to change. Before they can do so, they have to realize what they are doing wrong. Let’s face it, a lot of people aren’t even aware that they are doing the wrong thing often.

3. You’re Giving Everyone A Benefit Of A Doubt

Everyone deserves a benefit of a doubt only once. When someone has offended you more than once, and you’re still giving them the benefit of a doubt, you have to decide to cut this person out of your life.

4. You Should Stop Saying, “It isn’t surprising that I am unlucky in love.”

The problem with most of us is that we are too hard on ourselves. If a misfortune happens, we think that we deserve it. We feel like nothing good will ever take place in our lives because we are not worth it.

When you change your perspective, you also change your behavior as a result. When you change your behavior, that’s when you can expect that you will attract the right woman in your life. It’s not going to happen overnight, but the sweet thing about this is that you gain a new sense of self that makes you feel wonderful. For more dating and relationship tips, read other posts from the blog.

Fun Dating App Questions That Guarantee A Reply

Thanks to technology, online dating is a big part of our modern lifestyle today. However, our success in online dating depends on our interactions. You need topics to talk about that are safe and will help you get to know the other person. To do this, you must master the use of fun dating app questions to keep the conversation going.

Ask Fun Dating App Questions To Get More Dates

Whether you are a man or a woman, you would want to strike up a conversation and have an exchange that feels natural and lively on a dating app. Yes, you can start with the usual, “Hi! How are you?” but it would be better if you follow your intro up with the following fun dating app questions:

1. Ask about fictional characters they like.

Men would likely answer a question about their favorite comic book characters because a lot of them like superheroes. Meanwhile, girls are most likely to answer characters from esteemed romantic movies. To keep the conversation going, ask them why they like the character they mentioned.

2. Ask about the three celebrities that they would most likely go on a date with.

The point here is to pick the other person’s ideas on the matter. With this question, you can find out about the traits they like in a potential mate. For example, if an attractive lady says that she would like to date Brad Pitt because she admires his love for his children, then you’ll know that this woman like a man who’s family-oriented.

3. Ask about something that their parents don’t know about them.

We are already grownups and we no longer inform our parents about everything that we do. While we may not be comfortable sharing some secrets with our elders, we may easily open up about them to peers. And, possibly with our dates. You can have a long talk about this topic.

4. Ask about the reality show that they would like to be on.

Reality shows are the trend nowadays. These even include dating shows. Ask a potential partner if they would like to get on one and what show would it be. If he or she would like to go on Big Brother, then you’ll know that your date may value transparency or fame.

Fun dating app questions can be your leads to a good conversation. Use them to pick-up dates and just to learn new things about the other person. For more dating app tips, make sure to read the rest of our blog.

The Ten Online Dating Commandments You Should Never Break

On today’s dating scene, most of us probably feel like meeting someone new through modern means gets complicated. Yes, that is the truth to some extent, but the complication we feel is, honestly, of our own doing. We do not follow the simplest ten online dating commandments, and that makes our love lives way more complex than we’d like.

Online Dating Commandments You Need To Start Following ASAP

Whether you want to believe it or not, you can meet more people, be in less complicated situations, and be stress-free by following simple rules:

Be Organized

What should you organize when you’re dating online? Your profile of course. Don’t just make it on a whim. Take your time, organize your thoughts and your photos, then make your profile.

Treat Online Dating Like A Game

Even if your intent is to find a serious relationship, you should still treat dating online as a game. Don’t be too serious all the time. Try to have a good time while you’re meeting new people through the internet.

Learn How To Spot A Liar

There will be plenty of people who will misidentify themselves. We cannot do anything about that, but what you can do is learn the skill of spotting a liar from a mile away. Once you do, you’ll easily tell people’s intentions from the get-go.

Be Honest

Don’t be a liar yourself. It may seem tempting to show yourself in the brightest of lights, but it is not a good idea. Just be who you really are.

Present Your Best Self

You’re human so you’ll definitely have positive and negative traits. Instead of focusing on the negative ones, you need to highlight the positive traits you have.

Don’t Be A Cliche

Be original, don’t be tacky and use lines that have been used all over the internet for centuries. In your chat messages, email, and even profile be original and creative.

Stay Safe

Yes, you need to protect yourself while you are dating. The best way to do this is to stay conscious of your own actions as well as the actions of others.

Don’t Be Shy

Definitely, you need to show how confident you are. If you are not out of your shell yet, then you need to do something about it because being shy and soft-spoken is not very attractive to most people.

Don’t Make Matches Randomly

Don’t just send messages to random people. Make sure that the people you contact are the ones you actually like.

Learn To Move Forward

You will encounter plenty of disappointments when you’re dating online. Learn how you can move forward from this, even if your heart was broken.

Now when you know these ten online dating commandments, you can feel better about yourself and about online dating in general. All hope isn’t lost, and the great thing is that you can start following these rules today. For more dating tips, make sure you read the rest of our blog.

Reasons Why Women Put Up Emotional Walls

There are instances when the women you are dating, or probably in a relationship with, would put up emotional walls. The walls were not put up for no reason, and yes, it is a negative reaction to a stimulus. With the goal of understanding these reasons behind the walls, you can help your partner navigate through her reactions.

Emotional Walls Rise Between You And Your Lady For The Following Reasons

It depends on the woman and her experiences, but sometimes, it takes very little for them to put up emotional walls. So before you resent her and launch an all-out war every time she reacts this way, maybe she needs understanding and empathy. So, why do women do this:

To Manage What Happens Next

A woman would try to anticipate what is going to happen next in a situation. She feels that she has to take control and manage the happening with the least hurt or shame possible. However, this sense of control is a myth. We cannot truly know what will happen next, no matter how long we hold our breaths. You just can’t predict other people’s behavior or the circumstances around us. Help your mate through this uptight situation by some reassurance. Let her know that no matter what, you are supporting her.

It’s A Defense Mechanism

An emotional wall is put up in order to avoid pain. It’s the easiest defense mechanism that a woman can create. When she does this, however, she is blocking not just the possible painful outcome but also the love and happiness that’s supposed to go through. A misunderstanding can then ensue if the man is not equipped to handle this.

It’s The Old Self Emerging

Past hurts can have a way of resurfacing through different forms. When the seemingly familiar painful situation is about to happen, your woman will immediately put up the wall in order to shield herself. She has had a bad experience in the past and her old self is trying to protect her in the present situation. Knowing this, you can better protect her as well by trying to explain what’s happening and proposing solutions to the problem.

Emotional walls can drive a wedge between a couple. But, if the man knows why his woman is doing this, he is able to help her overcome her traumas and penetrate these walls. Eventually, both will come out stronger. For more dating and relationship tips, make sure you read other posts from the blog.