Category Archives: Dating News

You Need To Watch Out For Moments Of Micro-Attraction

We encounter so many dating tips on the internet that we sometimes get too focused on qualities in a partner that can make us feel safe and secure. Things like power, money, and influence may be important to some, but it’s the moments of micro-attraction that are the most important.

Why Micro-Attraction Is Important For Long-Term Relationships

In our world that looks up and admires only the biggest and the most, we sometimes forget that it’s the little things that matter in the long run. To understand micro-attraction better, read the following:

Small Moments With Giant Consequences

Micro-attraction can be found in small moments, like a casual mention of what you like and your partner gets it or does it for you. These little actions have big impacts on our lives – as well as on our hearts and minds.

Gearing Up For The Long-Term

When our partner does a simple random but thoughtful task, like make your bed or help an old person cross the street, you will realize that these little things are what you would like to see or experience every day for the rest of your life. While looks and flashy cars might give you a sense of entitlement and pride at the moment, how long with that feeling last?

The Unseen Matters

It takes some time spent with the other person before you realize these moments of micro-attraction. That is because these moments are beyond superficial. You will get to realize the unseen qualities of the other person, such as having a good character, kindness, integrity, and even empathy. These are the qualities that you would want your lifetime mate to have.

You Start To Value Your Growth

When you are with another person who stirs up your feelings because of the micro-attraction, you start to value your individualism as well as your own personal growth. You also subconsciously desire to become a better person, to do more, and to invest more in the relationship. You see how doing good can affect you and you know that if you give out goodness to your partner, you will certainly reap rewards in your relationship.

You need to watch out for these moments of micro-attraction when gauging a potential partner or your current relationship. These may be your ticket to a gratifying and long-term relationship. Or, even marriage. For more tips on relationships, read other posts on our blog.

Do You Have The Savior Complex?

Ideally, we all want to be in a relationship that’s supportive – one partner supports the other and vice versa. However, not all couples have this goal. There’s a type of relationship where one person makes it his or her mission to make the other person better. This person has, what’s called, the savior complex.

Signs that Say You Have The Savior Complex

The mission may not sound as bad because we do want our partner to be better. We are in a relationship to grow together and become our best versions of ourselves – isn’t that one of the major points of being together? Yes, but there’s more to it.

Supportive Partner VS The Savior Complex

When you are supportive, you help your partner change for the better, but you don’t want to change the entire person so he or she can fit into your idea of “the perfect partner”. That’s one of the main signs of the savior complex – you correct. This is something totally different from being supportive.

Always Interjecting

One of the hallmarks of a healthy relationship is when two people are actively listening to each other. If your partner says how he or she feels, and you listen but you interject after every two minutes, it’s a sign that you want your opinion to become your partner’s.


When we look for a partner, we look for someone we can have long conversations with like how we have conversations with our friends but deeper. A person with the savior complex does have these long conversations, but it’s focused more on interrogating his or her partner to find the “root cause” of his or her flaws.

Helping Too Much

Bringing your partner lunch or dinner when he or she has a busy day at work is fine. It’s very helpful since your significant other may not have a lot of time. But, if you do small as well as grand gestures even if your partner did not ask for them (he or she may not even need any help), you may have the savior complex.

It’s always a good thing to help your partner become a better person. However, we shouldn’t change the person based on what we think is ideal. For more relationship, as well as online dating, tips, read other posts on our blog.

If You Spot These Bad Date Signs, Run For The Hills

It’s exciting when you finally come across someone who has potential when you are dating online. Someone who sparks your interest and someone whose interest is just as sparked for you. The first date may just be around the corner. Now, all you have to do is wait and see if it’s one for the books or just a really bad date.

Prevent A Bad Date From Happening With These Signs

It all sounds really exciting, but you have to take a good look at the situation or at what’s happening before you ask or confirm for a first date. There may be red flags that you’re missing to see. These red flags could mean that the potential first date might be a bad date in the making:

Dry Conversation

You might have come across someone who is your ideal type, but if the conversation is as dry as the Sahara Dessert, consider it a red flag. One-word responses or taking things out of context are awkward enough to handle. Imagine that applied on your first date. That would even be more awkward.

Trouble Locking In A Time For A Date

So you met someone who you think is a great match for you. This person is well-rounded, and you have great conversations together. But, this person can’t seem to lock in the time for a date. For example, does your online chatmate always say that he or she isn’t available on the dates you give? It’s possible that this person doesn’t want to take things further.


Have you noticed your chat date has been sharing more than he or she should be? It may seem harmless but do consider it a red flag. There’s usually something wrong with a person telling you his or her past when you barely know each other.

Coming On Too Strong

You will meet different people in the online dating world. However, pray that you won’t meet people who always make the conversation more intimate than it should be. If you are into short-term relationships or hook-ups, then you might go for this type of chatting. But, if you’re in for the serious, long-term relationship, it’s best to avoid going on the first date.

Make sure to memorize these signs as you date online. Never say yes if you spot even just one so you can escape or prevent a bad date from happening. For more tips, check out other posts on our blog.

Common Lies Told On Dating Apps And The Reason Behind Them

It is not uncommon for people to tell white lies face to face in order to secure a date or make a good first impression. With online dating and dating through apps in particular, it’s no different. Most of the time, many people feel like dating apps make it much easier to put up a false front. You can reinvent yourself, and be the superstar you’ve always wanted to be.

Why Do People Tell These Lies When On Dating Apps?

Surprisingly, many of us might find it easy to lie about certain aspects of our lives, like our job or our true relationship status but many of us choose not to. Instead, we commonly tell fibs about the following:

Being Wittier

We like to put up a false pretense of being wittier than we actually are because, one, interesting people like witty conversations. And, two, we can easily write and edit our message until we have formulated a nice sentence. It’s not lying directly, but it’s very different from talking face to face where there is no undo button and there is no option to delete or edit.

Wanting To Meet Face To Face

Another common lie used in dating apps is “swerving”. You seem excited to meet face to face, but you always find a reason to cancel the supposed meet up. It’s either you are not confident enough because you have put up so many pretenses, or the person you are supposed to meet is not exactly your type. You just don’t want to dump him or her so you keep on making excuses.


You are really not into this person that you have been chatting with for some time now. Or, you might even have had that first date, but you didn’t feel any spark. You really just want to disappear or drive the person away, but you don’t want to be rude. It is easier to sugar coat rejection on dating apps.

Slow Response

There are many reasons as to why you are not enthusiastic to respond to the other party, but in dating apps, it is very easy to just say that you are busy.

You have to understand that we are not required to be fully honest on dating apps. It’s alright to lie about why you’re not responding quickly, or it’s alright to come off as a bit improved version of your self. The main thing is not to lie about important things like your age, appearance, work, and relationship status. For more practical tips on dating, read other posts on our blog.