Category Archives: Dating News

This Is What You Must Know About A Dating Trend Called Roaching

If you haven’t had your fill of negative dating trends yet, well, you’re not going to like this. A new situation has been coined, and plenty of modern daters refer to it as roaching. You are going to be so annoyed by this trend, but it’s pretty common, especially in today’s dating scene.

The Worst Thing About Roaching Is You Never Know Until The End

So, what is roaching exactly, and how does it happen? Imagine yourself meeting someone totally attractive online. You hit it off, then you decide to go out on a first date. Everything went well! You text after, you hang out a few more times. So far so good. But then, your date suddenly drops a bomb on you. He or she is seeing someone else. What just happened? Well, you were just roached by your date.

Usually, with roaches, there’s always some hiding under nooks and crannies, so it’s not just one. So, the situation is very similar to this. Although you see your date, what you don’t see is his or her other connections, flings, other dates, or even flow blown relationships.

The worst thing about roaching is that you never know until the end. You might think that you are officially dating, but for your date, it was only casual which is why he or she opened him or herself up to others.

How To Move Forward

Because you cannot actually tell if someone is going to roach you right off the bat, all you can do is move forward from it. If the person you’re dating roached you, it’s going to hurt because you have invested feelings and you were hopeful that everything will work out. But, you have to move forward if you are looking for a serious relationship.

Always remember that there will be people who won’t have the same intentions as you online. So, we have to be more careful who we give your time and attention to. Always make sure that the person is looking for something similar to what you’re looking for. For more dating and relationship tips, read other posts on the blog.

Why Your Dating Life’s Success Depends On Your Social Life

We are all busy doing our own thing. Commonly, most of us are busy with work, family, or running respective businesses, and that’s fine. However, in most cases, our busy lives are getting in the way of our social life. That may not mean much because our social life can wait. But, we may be overlooking the impact that the lack of having a social life has on our dating success.

Want To Meet Someone New? Start Fixing Your Social Life

A social life is when we spend a fraction of our time doing enjoyable things with other people. This part of our lives takes a back seat because many of us think that it’s not as important as taking care of the family or earning a living. But, it actually is, especially if you’re single. Here are the main reasons why:

Your Social Life Affects Your Health

A study has found that there is a correlation between your physical health and your social life. Based on the research, not having a social life in adolescents is equivalent to the effects of not getting enough exercise. It is the same with those in the older generation. If you’re not physically optimal, you won’t be able to feel good about yourself. Thus, affecting your confidence when dating.

And, it’s not just physiological too. Isolating yourself or choosing not to have a social life will also have negative mental and emotional effects on you.

Being Social Makes It Easier For You To Connect With People

When you are dating, whether it be through a dating site, an app, or in real life, you must establish a connection. Those who have little to no social life have trouble making this connection because they don’t know how to deal with people. For example, meeting new people make them feel awkward. This translates to how they speak and act.

You Meet New People

One of the top tips of dating experts is to not limit yourself when it comes to meeting people. If you’re online dating, for example, it doesn’t mean that you will only meet your match through one dating site. Being social means that you are open to trying new things and  meeting all sorts of new people. Try dating sites and even dating apps. In real life, you can explore hot spots in your area to meet other singles.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you’re just going to focus on meeting your friends all the time. Just remember to take time out of your busy schedule to do other things with the people around you. It’ll make you a better dater. For more tips, make sure to check other posts on the blog.

There IS A Way: How To Win Arguments With Your Girl

Love’s not a competition, but it’s nice to win sometimes. When the first, “honeymoon” phase of the relationship – when all is rosy and neither of you is flawed in any way – passes, dark clouds will start to appear and you will slowly start bickering occasionally. This is how to win arguments with her every time (almost).

How To Win Arguments And Cut Your Losses

It’s a little childish to expect to win every single fight, but it’s also kind of pathetic to lose them all too. If you feel you’re in the right, this is how to deal with an argument.

Choose Your Battles Wisely

First of all, some issues can be resolved without an argument. Minor things can be discussed in a very relaxed fashion and some are not even worth discussing at length. Choose what you ignite an argument about because too much arguing can take a serious toll on a relationship. Not to mention that it’s a waste of precious energy.

Keep Your Cool

Easier said than done, but making an effort to remain calm during an argument is solid advice.  There are quite a few reasons. For you, it’s much easier to follow where the argument is going or navigate it where you want it to go. It is also good for her that you remain calm because when we get hot under the collar we say things we don’t really mean.

Don’t Patronize

There are few things women hate more than to be told to “Relax”, “Don’t get so worked up” and “Take it easy now”. In actual fact, telling a woman these things is like raising a red flag in front of a bull.

“I” Before “You”

It is best that you don’t begin your sentences with “You” but with “I” instead. For example, instead of saying “You are irritating when…”, go for “I feel a little irritated when…”. Might seem like a small thing, but it goes a long way toward making you sound less accusatory and finger-pointy.

Choose Your Timing

If you have had a really bad day at work, or feel too exhausted to process any kind of info or argument, just say so. There is no perfect time for an argument, but if you are honest and say you can’t handle an argument the way you should, it should be respected by your partner. The idea, however, is to postpone for a more fitting time, not sweep the issue under the carpet, so you may want to set a time that would be ok for the conversation/argument to be had.

Don’t Aim To Hurt

Even though you’ll get tempted to use 4-letter words and major accusations and always have one up on her in the insult stakes during the argument, try and aim to resolve the problem, not hurt her. You will lose all control of the argument and become the bad guy if you say things you don’t mean.

Don’t Lose Focus

Last but not least, it’s important to stay focused on the issue at hand instead of throwing in the argument all your problems and complaints about anything and everything. When you are dealing with one single thing, you are far more probable to come up with a solution or agreement of some sort.

Well, arguments are an integral part of any relationship and should not be something to fear. In reality, they help relationships move and couples come to better understanding of each other. Now you know how to win arguments with her, there really is nothing to worry about next time you have a strong disagreement over something.

If you thought this was an interesting article, you can continue reading more here. For the chance to meet breathtaking Eastern European ladies you will not want to argue with, visit AnastasiaDate.

You Are Doing This Every Day And It’s Destroying Your Relationship

In relationships that have been going on for a while, it is common to have arguments over the smallest of things. If you have an argument about something very silly and trivial and you can’t fathom what’s really brought it on, it may be that there are other, deeper causes for it. Read about some of the mistakes you may be making in your everyday life that are destroying your relationship little by little.

How Are These Habits Destroying Your Relationship

When the first period of your relationship is over, it is easy to make certain mistakes unbeknownst to you, really thinking they are perfectly alright and not realizing they may be the cause for much of the friction in your relationship.

Not giving yourself alone time

Being in a relationship is time-consuming and you will, of course, enjoy being with her. While it may be true that you need to spend time together and experience things in common, it is also vital that you save some time for yourself. Being consumed in a relationship is wrong because it essentially changes who you are and it deprives you of the air you need to breathe. Not having time to yourselves can cause bitterness and resentment, so leave some time aside for you and only you.

Making her spend too much time with your friends

Another relationship problem related to what you do with your time arises when you insist on both of you spending big chunks of it with your mates. As we said earlier, saving time for you is a must, so you can hang out with your friends during that time. Of course, it isn’t bad to invite her along sometimes and hang out together. However, you should remember that, as much as you love your friends, she is not just a friend – she is your girlfriend, and you should be devoting time to her too.

Not really listening

It is easy to make this mistake. As we get to know our other half we might feel we know enough and stop listening. Could be down to tiredness after a log day at work, could be because you’ve heard some of it before, or simply because you don’t want to hear her complaints or criticism, but blocking her out is wrong. It is disrespectful and she will notice if you keep doing it, so while it may be (barely) OK that you pretend to be listening once in a while; if it happens frequently it is bound to eat away at your relationship.

Criticizing her in front of others

This is really big no. No matter what she has done, how wrong she may have been and how annoying you may be feeling, you should never put her down in public. Keep your criticism and advice for when you are alone, as belittling her in front of others – even your closest of people – will create an ugly gap between you. You should be united and act as a strong team. Members of a  team don’t turn against one another, they cover for each other.

Now that you know about these small but significant relationship mistakes, you can stop destroying your relationship and start fortifying it by making small steps every single day.

If you’d like to read more relationship-related articles, click here. For the chance to meet beautiful Eastern European ladies, visit AnastasiaDate.