Advice About Labeling A Serious Relationship

What do you say when you’ve already reached the point where you want to be exclusive with the person you’re dating? How do you tell this person that you want a serious relationship? Most of us don’t know how to approach this situation because we don’t know what to say.

Tips On How To Have The Talk About Labeling A Serious Relationship

We all dread this talk because, on one hand, we do want to officially be boyfriend-girlfriend. But, on the other hand, we don’t want to ruin everything good that’s been happening by approaching the situation with awkwardness. What do you do? Consider the tips below:

It All Starts With Your Dating Profile

Most experts would agree that the best way to weed out people who will waste your time is to start with your dating profile. On it, you need to clearly state that you’re looking for a serious relationship. It’s a small thing you can do, but experts say that it works for about 90% of the time.

Don’t Assume

You are going to make the situation worse if you assume that you’re already in a relationship. It’s self-explanatory. At this point, you’re still wondering about how to talk to the person you’re dating about being official. Don’t get ahead of yourself.

Do A Series Of Talks

Most of us think that going into a serious relationship requires just one talk. It doesn’t have to be just one. It can be a series of short talks. Think of it as dropping hints.

There’s No Right Time

If you’re wondering when the right time is, you don’t have to. You’ll just feel it. If the urge to ask the question or do the talk is there, it’s probably time to do so.

Prepare Yourself

When you do talk about being in a serious relationship, you have to prepare yourself. You might not like what the other person answers. He or she might not be ready but that doesn’t mean that they don’t like you. That, also, doesn’t mean that you have to end things right away.

Give the other person enough time to process what you’ve talked about and then, hope for the best. For more dating tips, read our blog.

These Are The Signs Of Improving Relationship

Whether we want to admit to this or not, we cannot hide the fact that we often exhibit damaging behaviors that could lead to the deterioration of our relationship. We may be unconscious that we are acting out, but it will be evident when we feel the tension. Despite this, improving relationship we have in our lives is still an option.

Improving Relationship Bears The Following Fruits

It’ll make anyone feel like they are at the top of the world to know that their efforts have already born fruit. When it comes to improving relationships, you can expect the following signs:


If you and your partner have already reached a point where it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong, congratulations. You have reached a maturity level that focuses more on solving problems rather than arguing.

Active Listening

Most people think that listening is something that comes naturally. Nope! It’s a skill that one needs to learn and practice. When you and your partner make the effort to listen and try to understand the other’s point of view, then your relationship is improving.

Effectively Asking What The Other Wants

Again, you have reached the right level of maturity when you are already focusing on the solution rather than the problem. When you argue, you’ll know that things are getting better when both you and your partner talk about how you can move forward as a couple after a fight.

Taking Responsibility

You know that everything is moving in the right track because neither you or your partner have to remind each other of doing this or that. When both of you have taken responsibility for actions, there’s definitely lesser friction.


Not everything is serious all of the time. When you feel happy, and your partner feels happy, there’s always room for jokes, teasing and maybe a little bit of flirting.

These are some of the signs of improving relationship. How many signs do you see in yours? If you only saw one or two, then it is an area that you and your partner need to improve on. For more tips similar to this, read other posts on our blog.

You’re Not Aware Of What You Are Doing When You Feel Rejected

Rejection is something that never feels great. In dating, when you are rejected online, you may feel like you’re not good enough or you’re not worth giving a chance to. It stings! And, when you really feel rejected, you could start acting out without noticing it.

When We Feel Rejected, We Unconsciously Respond To The Emotion In The Following Ways

No one ever wants to be rejected – it’s natural to think this way. However, experiencing rejection could be a chance for us to learn something about ourselves and others. The problem is, we don’t always look at rejection as a learning experience. We have a very negative perspective of the feeling which causes most of us to:

Withdraw From The Cause Of Our Rejection

For example, when your online dating experience has brought nothing but rejection, you may decide to do less of it. You may not put effort into finding a match because, at the back of your mind, you know what’s going to happen next.

Fear Grows As Our Courage Diminishes

Every time we feel rejected, the fear within us grows. The next time an opportunity presents itself – a person showing interest on a dating site – we are hesitant to grab the chance because of the fear that has developed within us.

Second Guessing Yourself

Earlier, it was mentioned that rejections can make us feel like we are not good enough. Together with the fear and withdrawal, rejection also targets our self-esteem. This could make us question our positive aspects.

These outcomes are the reasons why we need to approach rejection in a much healthier way. If we don’t, we could lead ourselves to a path of self-destruction. Consider the following tips:

  • Change your perspective about rejection.
  • Accept that you are not everyone’s cup of tea.
  • Take up a new hobby.
  • Travel and meet new people.
  • Focus on improving yourself (exercise, read a book, learn a new skill)

We cannot stop people from rejecting us, but we can always do something about how we react to being rejected. For more tips on self-improvement, read other posts on our blog.

The Basics Of Midlife Dating You Need To Know About

Midlife is defined as the central part of a person’s life. Commonly, you have reached your midlife when you are between the ages of 45 to 55. Most people who are of this age feel like the sun is beginning to set on them. But, on the contrary, it’s still possible for exciting things to happen. Have you ever heard about midlife dating?

Start Here For 101 Lessons On Midlife Dating

Yes, it’s possible for those between the mentioned ages to still have a love life. Why not, right? It’s not like your capability to love a person diminishes with age. There are plenty who are midlife dating in both the online and offline hemisphere, so why not give it a try? Before you do, however, there are a couple of things that you need to know about:

 1. Reading People Quickly Is A Must

If your purpose is to meet someone for a potential long-term relationship, it’s essential that you develop the skill of reading a person in the quickest way. For example, if you met the person online, maybe you can ask him or her what section of the newspaper they read first. This may seem like a weird question but it’s an interesting ice-breaker. If the person says travel and business, then that’s exactly what they are passionate about.

2. Don’t Just Focus On Dating

Dating may be important for you but you should always remember that it’s just one of the aspects of your life.  You may still have your family, hobby, or a career. So, don’ just focus on dating alone. Focus on other aspects as well.

3. Be Mindful When Stepping Into The Midlife Dating Scene

Likely, it has been a while since you have dated. The biggest concern that you may have is that you are not confident enough. Don’t worry. Most people who are midlife dating feel this way. It’s important to have your own sense of self. If you lost it, it’s time that you rediscover who you are. Be yourself because that’s enough.

Now that you’ve read the tips, you’re ready to do some midlife dating online or offline. For advice similar to this, read more posts on our blog.