The Icebreakers To Use To Flirt Online When You’re at a Loss For Words

You are clever, eloquent, educated, and quite sociable. What happens, then, when you are about to flirt online with a fine lady you just met, and words don’t seem to come to you? If you’re stuck on how to break the ice when online flirting, here are some of the best chat openers to use when that stunning babe has you at a loss for words.

Use These Lines To Start Chatting With The Babe You Want To Flirt Online

From a fun joke to a nice compliment, you will find these icebreakers will come in handy when you’re not sure how to strike up an online conversation with the girl you like.

“Pineapple on pizza: yay or nay?”

Give the girl a light and fun dilemma like this, which is both entertaining and original. It can lead to a fun conversation about food choices, favorite cuisines, fave restaurants… See where it leads?

“I really like your face; I’m intrigued if your personality is as great”

This line is cleverer than it originally looks. One, because it starts with a compliment – and there is no lady who’s averse to that, and two, because it shows looks are not the only thing that matters to you. Showing a girl you like her and want to know more about her is a lovely way to grab her attention.

“At last”

A small 2-word line can go a long way when it comes to online flirting. First of all, being too wordy is tiring, while a laconic type will arouse a woman’s curiosity. She’ll find your message strange at first but will want to know more. When she asks, you can tell her that she is a breathtaking girl; exactly the kind you’ve been looking for.

“I noticed you like X. They are my favorite too.”

Another sure-fire way to start a flirty conversation is to focus your attention on something she writes on her profile. Make her feel like it’s not just her beauty that’s attracted you. Say, for example, she writes on her profile that she likes a certain band you happen to like too. You can ask her “I noticed you like X. They are my favorite too.” Finding common ground is always a great way to establish a connection from the start.

With such a plethora of prospective partners, nowadays you need to be entertaining, engaging and —perhaps most crucially — original if you want to ensnare the attention of fellow online daters. These ice-breakers are a good way to start when you flirt online.

If this article was helpful, you can find more like it here. For the chance to put our advice into practice, why not visit AnastasiaDate today? You may also want to follow our Twitter account.

How You’ll Know It’s Time To Say I Love You

There have probably never been three words more used and abused than the words I love you. People all over the world say these three tiny words to each other, some hoping that they will hear it back, and others just because they are bursting with emotion and simply want to express themselves. How do you know when the time is right, though?

This Is When You Should Say I Love You To Your Partner

Are you unsure about expressing your love to your partner, worrying it may be too early or too late? These are the signs that will tell you when the time is right to share the love.

When you are sure about your feelings.

Even if you are not sure she feels the same way, if you are convinced it’s not just a crush or infatuation that you are feeling but a deep kind of affection, care, and the desire to spend your time with her, you can be honest and share your thoughts and emotions with your girl.

When you know you can really prove your words with actions.

Can you back your claim with actions? Will you be there for her when things get tough? Do you feel like you don’t just admire her looks or positive traits, but also like her darker moments, her flaws, her weaknesses, and insecurities? When we genuinely love someone, we love all of him/ her, not just the good parts. And we know for a fact that we can prove our words with real actions when the time comes (because the time will come, as it always does).

When you feel comfortable enough around her to express yourself.

Real love should be easy; it should come naturally and not be forced. The people we love will make us feel at ease and never push us into saying things. If you feel that it won’t scare her away or put her under pressure, you should open up to her and let her know about your feelings towards her.

….And When NOT To Say I Love You

You shouldn’t say I love you just because you want to hear it back. And you shouldn’t say it because she said it first and put you on the spot, either. You should never say I love you to get what you want, as a way of emotional manipulation or just because you feel like this is what she wants to hear.

Three simple words can hold such a strong meaning, they are almost sacred. Save your I love yous for the people who deserve them and cherish those who tell you I love you and prove it with the way they treat you. These three words can make someone very happy, so make sure they really mean something when you say them.

For more articles like this, visit the rest of our blog.

How To Turn Your Fling Into A Relationship

When it comes to romance, few things can really be predicted. So, a relationship that started off as something of a Netflix and Chill thing, or a “situationship”, can sometimes have the potential to be something more. What do you do when you realize it does, though? Is it possible to turn your fling into a relationship?

When Should You Attempt To Turn Your Fling Into A Relationship?

To begin with, there are two things to consider before you attempt the transition from fling to a full-blown relationship. Number one: is it something you really want? And number two: is it something she really wants? Unless you are both in a Hell-Yeah state of mind, don’t bother. One – or both – of you will end up getting hurt.

Don’t Rush Into Things

Wanting to give things a go is the first important step, but you should in no way try to force things to move on quickly. Take things slow, and make your dates a bit more personal and diversified (instead of just hooking up for a steamy night at home). Keep in mind that acting impatiently and pushing things to move too fast might scare her away if she’s not in the exact same stage as you.

Get To Know Her

In the process, make a real effort to get to know her and to show her who you really are. In casual relationships we tend to reveal very little of ourselves, so see the dating process as an opportunity to learn more about the things that excite her and the things she can’t stand. This will give you the chance to gauge how compatible you are and whether the things that you share (interests, passions, and views on life) make moving on worth your while.

Open Up About Your Feelings

Once you know that she can handle your truth, make your feelings known. Explain that you would like to take your relationship to a more serious level and make an effort to date exclusively, not just casually.

Keep The Flame Alive

Going from a fling that’s based on passion and sexual tension into a more serious, long-term relationship may sometimes feel like an anti-climax. Canadian relationship expert, writer and blogger Mandy Len Catron said on NPR’s advice segment “The Call-In” :  “The idea is that when you do something really stimulating—that leaves you excited, sweaty palms, heart racing—or even just something novel and interesting, you tend to attribute those really intense feelings that you’re having to who you’re with—not to what you’re doing.” Which basically means that couples need to always make sure they are sharing exciting experiences together if they want to continue being passionate about one another.

To Cut A Long Story Short

There is no guarantee that a relationship that starts one way can end up another, but sometimes it is worth making an effort to turn a fling into a relationship if it’s what you really want. You never know – something that started off as a most casual thing can develop into a lifelong, deep and meaningful relationship.

For more dating news, continue here. If you’re interested in meeting gorgeous Eastern European ladies, visit AnastasiaDate today. You can also download our date and chat app here.

How to Grab A Girl’s Attention And Keep It

If you have your eye on a girl you want to win over, the first thing you need to do is get her attention. But with a mix of stress and excitement taking over you, sometimes this first step is the hardest one to make. And what if you do manage to grab a girl’s attention, but have no idea how to keep it? We’re here to help.

Step 1. This is How You Grab A Girl’s Attention

With dates, it’s “start as you mean to go on”, as they say. So, start boldly, confidently and like the gentleman you are.

Find Common Ground

If you are lucky enough to have a way of learning a few things about your object of desire before you talk to her, for example by being in the same circle of friends that you can ask for info about her, that’s great news.

If not, there is no reason to despair because you can still draw some conclusions about her by observation. For example, you can tell by the place you see her (a theater? a club? the supermarket? her workplace?) one or two things about her and her habits. Observing the way she dresses is also going to give you an idea of what she’s like.

Avoid Awkwardness

So, the first thing to do when you approach her is to avoid using some sort of cheesy chat-up line and go for a clever remark that’s relevant to where you are instead. Once she gives you a reply, you should keep the conversation flowing. If you run out of arguments or topics of conversation, avoid those awkward silences by providing examples: “like that one time when…”

If you are getting positive vibes, you can even make a (subtle) remark about her, commenting on her smile or eyes or hair, for example. You shouldn’t forget about your strongest asset: your sense of humor, too. Make some witty remark about the concert/ play/ bar where you are, but go easy on the sarcasm.

Step 2. Keeping The Attention

Now you have managed to grab a girl’s attention,  how do you keep it?

Involve Her In The Conversation

There is nothing drawing girls more than a guy who can take control of a conversation and hold it, either by sharing interesting facts or experiences or by being fun to talk to. Don’t get carried away by the sound of your own voice, though. You should always make sure she is also part in the conversation too, by asking her questions about her and making her feel special.

Choose Intimacy And Simplicity

Now you are fairly confident that she is interested in you, you should try to make things a little more intimate by choosing a different location to continue. First of all, you just take it outside the club or any crowded place you’re in for a more quiet time. Then it’s the perfect idea to suggest a coffee date. Yes, a coffee date. If you’re not convinced a quiet café is an ideal location for a date, read this and reconsider.

After you learn more about her on your coffee date, you should be ready for that all-important second date. Good job.

Hope we helped you see how easy it is to grab a girl’s attention and keep it. For more dating advice, continue here. You may also want to check out AnastasiaDate for mesmerizing girls who will make you want to put this advice to great use.