Category Archives: Dating News

What Most Men Don’t Understand About Modern Dating

How hard can modern dating be? In truth, it’s actually not as hard as many people think. However, there are men out there who just don’t get it. Because times have changed, modern dating is not just a simple boy meets girl type of situation.

What Men Need To Learn About Modern Dating

So what does happen when you are on a modern date? What do men need to learn from how dating is done today? Here’s a list that men need to memorize:

1. Women know they have a choice.

Women are not obliged to say yes to you. Every woman you encounter knows that she has rights and that she is strong and independent. She can say no when she doesn’t like the situation or if she’s not into you. You just need to accept this.

2. Nice guys don’t get friend-zoned.

No, nice guys don’t always get friend-zoned. Women do prefer men with an aura of mystery and danger because it is exciting. But, in the long run, several studies have proven that nice guys are more “in demand” for serious or long-term relationships.

3. Ghosting hurts, FYI.

The urge to ghost someone online is strong with the male species. You need to know that being upfront about not wanting to talk to or date someone is better than just disappearing out of thin air. Trust us when we say that being verbal about breaking up is better.

4. Feminists are not man-haters.

Have you ever encountered an online dating profile that says “feminist” on it? Feminism isn’t about hating men so you shouldn’t, at all, be intimidated by this. Feminism simply means that women want equal rights.

5. Drop the macho act.

Nagging and being too confident (acting like the alpha male) does not work in modern dating anymore. It’s a clue as to what your character is and you don’t want your date to think that you have bad character.

There are more lessons that men need to learn about modern dating but let’s cap the list off with these five essential ones. Men simply need to up their game and get with the times. For more updates on dating, read more posts on our blog.

The Truth About Why We Fall In Love Too Fast

Do you feel like you fall in love too fast? It’s not just you because a good chunk of the human population feels this way. Have you ever wondered, though, why you fall too fast? Today, you’re going to find out.

Reasons Why We’re Fast To Fall In Love

Let’s get one thing straight, first. Falling in love too fast is, generally, not something that should be frowned upon. When you like someone, you can’t really do anything but follow your heart. You still have to consider, however, that falling too fast too soon might not always be good for you and your relationships. Here are a couple of possible reasons why you are like this:

1. You may be lonely.

It’s hard to admit that you’re lonely but you have to give yourself an honest assessment. You also may be attention-deprived. If you haven’t dated for a few years, then you have to admit that this is likely the case. Be honest and admit to yourself that you are lonely and that craving for attention.

2. You want to fall in love.

Who doesn’t want to fall in love, right? There’s really nothing wrong with this but you may be rushing into your decision to be in a relationship with someone just because they make you feel good or you had a great date with them. These can be good reasons why you’d want to be with someone, but is the other person moving things towards having a relationship with you?

3. You get ahead of yourself.

A lot of us have this habit of daydreaming about our date. We think about our possible future, the potential vacations that we might take, or ever the future name of our children with this person. It’s great to daydream but it makes you feel something definite when there’s no basis in the first place. If you’ve been with the person for a while, then you might consider a future together when the circumstances are right. But, not when you have only been on a few dates.

All of these things are pretty hard to identify within yourself but, again, being honest is the first step for you to get over falling in love too fast. For more tips about dating and relationships, read more on our blog.

If You’ve Just Started Online Dating This Is What You’ll Go Through To Find Love

Everyone is opting for online dating as their main means of meeting people. It’s the digital age, after all. However, there are still those who have not experienced the online dating environment yet. If you’re one of the few who haven’t tried dating on the internet, you need to know that you’re going to go through different stages to find love online.

To Find Love Online, You Must Go Through These Stages

From that first click on the first online profile, you come across, to your first date, you need to know that it’s normal for first-timers to go through the following phases:

Enthusiastic But With Hesitation

The first stage you go through is a stage filled with enthusiasm and hesitation. You’re enthusiastic because you’re hopeful that you’re going to find a date online yet skeptical because you’re probably wondering if online dating does work or not.

Curiosity And Disappointment

Because everything is new to you, it’s likely that you will feel a sort of buzz when you date online. You check out every profile you come across, you fiddle with your description and photos, and you explore all the features of the dating site you’re on. As you do your thing, it’s likely that you won’t get any responses yet. And, this could lead to disappointment.


Hopefully, you will reach this stage in your online dating phase. As you push through and deal with the disappointment and rejection, you eventually meet someone who you fancy. Finally, you have a date online!

Lost And Confused

It’s possible for you to just stay on the happiness stage of your online dating but more often than not, those who would want to find love online encounter negative dating trends that have plagued the online dating scene for years. Ghosting, benching, and etc happen. When it does, you’ll feel lost and confused because you may think that you had something with the person you were chatting with.

Restored Confidence

Through your bad experience, you will, most likely, learn a thing or two about online dating (and life). Your eyes will slowly open to some truths and you will come to terms with what happened. Eventually, your confidence will be restored.

You Find Love

The last stage is you find love. Hopefully, you won’t have to repeat the cycle.

Going through each of the stages makes you a lot closer to finding love so don’t give up. It’s normal for you to go through ups and downs in online dating. Be consistent and don’t lose hope. For more tips on dating, read more from our blog.

The Easiest Way To Set Up Relationship Boundaries

Contrary to what most couples think, setting up relationship boundaries is actually a good thing. It does create a bit of a distance between you and your loved one because boundaries is another way of saying “No”. However, you want that tiny bit of space to keep your individuality and relationship intact.

Setting Up Healthy Relationship Boundaries

Not a lot of couples set relationship boundaries because it is a hard conversation to have. As mentioned, setting boundaries is another way of saying “You can’t do this” or “This is not acceptable”. In most relationships, however, it’s not a question of the lack of boundary setting. It’s a matter of poor or unhealthy relationship boundaries.

So how do you set up ones that are healthy and ones that will keep your relationship (and sanity)? There are four steps:

1. Let the other person know that he or she has crossed a boundary.

When your partner has crossed one of your boundaries, make sure to tell them about it. For example, if you don’t like that your partner likes to name call, then tell him or her so. Do it in a voice that’s calm and non-judgemental.

Explain a little bit why you have this personal boundary. If your partner sees him or herself in your shoes, they might understand better.

2. Ask your partner to not cross the boundary again.

When you ask, it’s important, again, to do so in a voice that’s not sarcastic or condescending. Most people respond to a calm voice because it is the voice of reason.

3. Consequence

You have to figure out a good consequence whenever your partner repeats the action. If your partner is aware, it’s likely that he or she will not repeat the offense. But, for other people, it may take a few tries. So, when one of your boundaries has been crossed, you can either take a walk, get out of the house for an hour, or you stop talking to your partner until things calm down. Whatever consequence you set up, make sure that you do good with it.

Those are three steps to establishing healthy relationship boundaries. Keep repeating steps one until three to really let your partner know that what he or she is doing can affect your relationship in a negative way. For more tips on bettering relationships, check out more of our blog posts.