Category Archives: Dating News

Online Dating Reality You Need To Accept

When it comes to online dating, we all have our own ideas as to how we go about it. One person’s method of dating through the internet might not be the same as someone else’s. Despite the many differences, what remains consistent is the online dating reality that many of us overlook.

The Online Dating Reality We Tend To Forget

Instead of seeing things as they are, we put our own ideas into the mix. We come up with our own DOs and DON’Ts but we miss the reality of online dating. This post should serve as a reminder, telling us that we need to open our eyes to the following:

1. If online dating doesn’t work for you the first time, try again.

Most people think that online dating will grant you an instant access to everlasting love. It could, but the reality is that it doesn’t happen automatically. You’re going to have to be patient. If you don’t succeed the first time, try again.

2. Online dating can cure a broken heart.

There are people who try online dating because they want a rebound. In case you didn’t know, a rebound is a person or a relationship that makes you forget the cause of your heartbreak. If this is your aim, go ahead. Just make sure that the person you’re considering to be a rebound knows about your intentions.

3. Online dating isn’t an instant solution to love.

Whether you like it or not, you have to accept the online dating reality that it won’t help you find true love instantly. It may take a while so you need to be patient. Besides, we’re talking about true love here. It’s something that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Even if you don’t find your true love, you’ll likely find someone who can make your day a little bit brighter.

4. Always look out for yourself when meeting someone for the first time.

Although you have had a wonderful time chatting with someone online, you still need to keep your guard up a bit, especially if you’re meeting for the first time. This reality is simply good common sense.

We have to remember the online dating reality we’ve read here. These might change your perspective and your approach to online dating for the better. For more practical tips on how to date online, read the rest of our blog.

How Does Eastern Europe Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

In specific countries in Asia, people celebrate Valentine’s Day in an unusual way. In Japan and Korea, for example, it is the ladies’ obligation to buy chocolates and tiny gifts to give to the men in their lives. The roles reverse a month after when it is the gentleman’s turn to do the buying and wooing. It may be strange to us, but it is a tradition to the Asian countries mentioned. Have you ever wondered if there are similar unusual Valentines Day traditions in Eastern Europe? We’re going to find out today.

Different Ways To Celebrate Valentine’s Day In Eastern Europe

Like the unusual practices of specific Asian countries, specific Eastern European countries also their unique way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. And, it’s nothing like going on a date with or receiving flowers and chocolates.


Worldwide, February 14th is known as a day to celebrate love. But, in Slovenia, it is a day to work the fields. “Zdravko” or St Valentine, is one of Slovenia’s patron saints of spring. When his day comes, it’s the right moment to work the fields and the vineyards. Or at least it used to be. Slovenians follow their saying that St Valentine brings the keys of roots, meaning that nature is ready to awaken. Don’t worry about celebrating the day of love because in Slovenia it is celebrated on March 12th, on St Gregory’s Day.


In Estonia, they do celebrate Valentine’s Day, but it’s less about love and more about friendship. February 14th is known as Sõbrapäev which translates to “Friends’ Day”. Everyone in different communities in Estonia participates in this celebration. Much like how Valentines is celebrated in the West, Estonians decorate their houses and places of business with bright colored ribbons, signs and stickers. They also have music festivals and markets to commemorate the day.


Last Eastern European country on this list is Romania. Instead of celebrating the day of love on February 14th, Romania celebrates it 10 days after. On February 24th, the “Dragobete” festival is celebrated. It is treated as a day for lovers as well as a day that marks the beginning of spring. Traditionally, boys and girls from a community will pick flowers together. There are also a number of beliefs that lovers practice during Dragobete. One is when a lover steps on the toes of his or her partner on the day of Dragobete to make him or her the dominant person in the relationship.

Would you want to celebrate Valentine’s Day in any of the different ways on the list? Let us know in the comments section below. We have more interesting posts for you on the blog so make sure to visit it after reading this article.

How To Spend Valentine’s Day At Home

We have one day of the year when we focus on love. We could still do the loving things we do for our partners on other days, but there’s just something special about celebrating Valentine’s Day. If you’re not into the hype of February 14th, you should know how to spend Valentine’s Day at home.

A Simple Guide On How To Spend Valentine’s Day Without Going Out

There are couples who would rather skip Valentine’s, believe it or not. Definitely, there will be plenty of people who are going to eat out and have a nice evening somewhere other than their homes. This could mean crowded streets and restaurants. As an alternative, why not create a romantic evening at home? Here’s how you can do it:

1. Home-Cooked Dinner

This one is a no-brainer, but make sure that you’re going to cook something special. Don’t serve the usual Thursday meal. Prepare a meal that you and your partner don’t usually eat at home. If you’re worried about the complication of specific dishes, remember that Internet has a vast vault of information. There are plenty of do-it-yourself restaurant-style recipes that you can fix in under an hour.

2. Wine & Gifts

After your delicious dinner, open up a bottle of wine. After about one glass, bring out the gift you bought for you sweetheart. If you don’t have a gift yet, DIY it like you did your dinner. A simple card will do. Even a letter can work.

3. Fave Rom-Com

After the wine and gift giving, watch your lady’s favorite romantic comedy together as you wind down. This is a bit cheesy but any movie will do as long as it’s your partner’s favorite. Even horror flicks will do the trick as long as you bond over the experience.

This is just a simple guide on how to spend Valentine’s Day at home. You can tweak this guide and plan a romantic evening in your own way. Whatever you choose to do, the idea is to make the night special for your partner. That’s what Valentine’s is for, isn’t it? For more tips and guides on love and relationships, read more posts on our blog.

How To Get What You Want When You Are Dating Online

Of course, you want to get what you want out of online dating. Everyone does. Each of us wants to find the love of our life, and we’re hoping to do it through the internet. However, there are some obstacles we can’t seem to jump over. These challenges are hindering us from getting what we want out of online dating.

Hurdling Over Challenges To Get What You Want With Online Dating

The biggest culprits that don’t allow us to get what we want as we date online are our bad online dating habits. Through the list below, we will address those bad online dating habits, one by one, and propose a solution to them:

1. Focus On One Dating Website

How many dating websites are you signed up to? If it’s just two then that’s a number that you can manage, but you don’t want to be checking numerous sites every day. You have to focus your energy on one dating site, two if you have enough time.

2. Quality Over Quantity

It’s good to send several people messages because it’s like casting a wider net. But, you can’t just contact random people just so you can get more responses. Make sure that the people you contact fit your standards.

3. Take It Slow

You have to learn to guard your heart. If you know that you’re the type who falls in love too quickly, you have to be on top of this. First of all, you don’t want to fall or invest your time and emotions on the wrong person. Save yourself from heartbreak. Take it slow and get to know the person first.

4. Be Honest And Straightforward

Most experts will agree with this dating tip. You have to be on the same page in terms of relationship status with the person you’re contacting. For example, your online date has to know that you’re looking for a short-term relationship (if that’s what you’re looking for).

And, if you like someone, don’t beat around the bush. Ask them out right away, especially if you feel that they may like you back too. Be straightforward and forget about your shyness.

You can definitely get what you want out of dating online as long as you put your focus and effort into doing these tips. For more advice on love and relationships, read more posts on our blog.