Category Archives: Dating News

Can Being Friends With Benefits Really Work?

For those wishing to reap all the benefits of getting it on with a regular partner they fancy without having to deal with any of the “obligations” a regular romantic relationship involves or feeling any *gasp* feelings, the friends with benefits set-up sounds like the ideal situation to be in. However, one survey found that such a no-strings-attached set-up only exists on paper.

The Truth About Being Friends With Benefits

The survey, conducted on a sample of 1,000 European and American men and women by online medical source DrEd, has brought to light a wealth of information regarding a situation that is less ideal than it sounds.

Turning the idea that women become emotionally attached much more than men, the website that polled people about being in friends with benefits situations found that over half (52%) of men actually become emotionally attached in a friends with benefits type of relationship, compared to just 44% of women.

It also came to the conclusion that a friends with benefits set-up is far more common than people realize. Almost 60% percent of the participants said they’ve been involved in a friends with benefits situation before, with 17% of male Americans admitting to being in one at the moment.

What might cause some surprise is that Europeans seem to have a different approach to how convenient a friends with benefits set-up is, with 66% of them actually claiming they are not more convenient than regular relationships, and 58% of Americans saying that they are.

Is It Just About Sex?

Even more surprisingly, it seems quite clear that the arrangement isn’t just about sex. With a mere 15% of men, and an even smaller 6% of women claiming their friends with benefits set-up is strictly sexual, many men and women reported that they cuddle, talk about their friends, family and work, and text with their FWB in addition to discussing sexual preferences and experimenting in the bedroom. 40% of them also do dinner from time to time and a quarter of the men and 39% of women questioned also said they go out on dates with their FWB. Do these things remind you of a regular, romantic relationship?

As it turns out, with half (51% of women and 48% of men) of those involved in friends with benefits situations feeling ready to date their FWB, it can hardly be claimed that a relationship of this kind is as clear and conveniently un-emotional as some might think it is. And there’s nothing wrong with that.

If you found our article of interest, continue for more dating news here. For the chance to meet mind-blowingly gorgeous Eastern European ladies, visit AnastasiaDate today. For more about us, watch this short video.

This Once A Week Rule Will Protect Your New Relationship

When you’re in a new relationship, you’ll likely face a lot of challenges. This is especially true if you have already past your honeymoon stage. Two individuals who are just getting to know each other will likely experience disagreements, and that’s normal. But, if you want your new relationship to last longer, you have to follow this one rule.

Follow The Once A Week Rule To Lengthen Your New Relationship

What is the Once A Week Rule? It basically means what it sounds – a couple needs to see each other only once every week. It sounds ironic because the tendency is, usually, for a new couple to spend as much time together as possible. However, here are some reasons why AnastasiaDate advises you should apply the Once A Week Rule:

1. Physical Intimacy Heightens Emotions

In every new relationship, the passion is always there and the attraction is alive and kicking. Physical intimacy is inevitable, most of the time. This is not a bad thing, but if you do the deed often with the person you have fallen for, emotions and expectations heighten. It would be great if your partner forms similar expectations as you, but if you’re not going to be on the same page, there’s going to be an abundance of conflict in your relationship.

2. You Become Emotionally Attached To Someone You Hardly Know

Because it’s a new relationship, you’ll likely still be in the stages of getting to know each other. The result of this is, likely, emotional attachment. You never want to be emotionally attached to someone you hardly know because, again, it will result in a lot of conflict in your new relationship.

The Lesson You’ll Learn From The Once A Week Rule

Although it’s going to be hard for you and your potential partner to meet just once a week, it will be better for your new relationship in the long run. Take it slow, get to know each other, and build your anticipation and longing for the Once A Week Rule. For more dating tips, read more from our blog.

You Have All The Power To Attract New Love That Will Be Forever, And Here’s How

In all of us there is a desire to meet a person who is our equal, our soulmate, and our one true love. We search for this person in every relationship we have. Every time a new love comes along, we entertain the possibility of the person being “the one”.

Finding New Love By Focusing On Purposefulness

Despite this fact, the cold, hard truth remains – not every new love ends up being our true love. And, this fact weighs heavily on most of us. The unexpected outcome becomes baggage that affects our lives in a negative way. It also could be baggage that we bring into the next relationship we have, and this is no way to live our lives.

We have all been there and we know how painful it is to lose someone you truly cared about, but life should go on. If this sounds like you, don’t worry because you still have the chance to rebuild your life through “intention”.

Intending For Your Life To Be This Way

If you’ve encountered the Law of Attraction, you will be familiar with the power of intention. In the dictionary, “intention” is synonymous to forethought. It could mean “aim” or “plan”. Experts will say that if you intend your life to be miserable, then you’ll be miserable. But, if you intend your life to be more than it was yesterday, well, you get the idea.

Start With Your Insides

Books on purposeful living will tell you that it is not about physically doing something to improve your life. Intention starts from within. Here are steps you can take on the path to intending your life to be better:

  1. Deal with your past. You’ll need to have some sort of closure from whatever past relationship or experience you’re still carrying.
  2. Focus on the now. Because your aim is to change your perspective, all you have to focus on is today. Don’t worry about the past because you’ve dealt with it, and don’t worry about the future because it is going to make itself when you focus on the now.
  3. Believe in the change. Lastly, if you believe that things will change for the better – you’ll find a new love, you’ll land a better job, you’ll be a better version of yourself – they eventually will as long as you maintain your focus.

Believe us when we say that this journey can take time – a lot of it. But, again, don’t worry about the future and start focusing on the now to begin living your life with purpose. Remember that it all starts with your intention.

For more inspiring posts, do check more of our posts on our blog. Share this post, as well, if you found it helpful and encouraging.

How To Be Cool Around People (It’s Easier Than You Think)

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be cool? From our kindergarten years to when we’re old and gray, being cool is the one thing we all aspire to. Why? Well, that’s an easy question: because we all want to be liked and loved. Now, to the hard question: how do you do it?

The Ways To Be Cool And Popular

Being cool won’t happen overnight. It’s not something anyone is born with, and it’s not something you can buy/ rent/ borrow. It is something only you can make happen to you. Here’s how.

Rule number one: Confidence. There is no way this can be stressed out enough: you need to exude confidence even if you’re feeling a little insecure. This is a case of fake-it-till-you-make-it. Don’t worry, even the coolest of people have their weak moments, you’ll just never have the chance to see them. Act like you own the room when you enter a bar/ house/ restaurant/ office. Don’t be cocky, be sure of yourself. Keep thinking “I’ve got this” and keep your shoulders and your back straight.

The second rule to reaching high levels of coolness is to not try to hard. If there’s a person you believe is not into you, ignore them. Smile when people make a negative remark about you, don’t try to correct them or change their opinions. Always think that your energy is too precious to spend on people and situations that are lost causes. Life always has the answer, they may (or may not) change their minds given time.

The third thing to do to be cool is to observe someone you admire and get as much from that person as you can. If you can actually befriend that person, you get bonus coolness points. Careful, though, you don’t want to suck up to them or imitate, because these things are totally uncool. You want to check out how they act and what makes them special to you. Then see how much of that you can apply in practice.

Rule number four is to know the rules of any situation you find yourself in (a work environment, a social gathering, etc.), and to not be afraid to break them when you see fit. Think about the classic James Dean and Marlon Brando roles. Did they abide by rules? No. Were they cool? Absolutely; and still are to this day. The same goes for every 007 ever. That’s because a person who’s not afraid to break the rules appears to be confident (see rule #1) and powerful.

In a nutshell, if you want to be cool (who doesn’t, right?), you need to first and foremost believe in yourself and carry your personality with pride, not pay too much attention to what negative people say, focus on those who have your respect, break some rules if you must (within reason, of course), and not try too hard to be someone you’re not. Be the best version of yourself and proud of it; the rest will come.

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