There Are So Many Benefits Of Dating Divorced People, Here They Are

Everyone has a past; there is nothing wrong with that. Some of us have been in many short-term relationships; some have spent more time with one partner, while others have even taken the big step of getting married, only to see their marriage fall apart. If you have ever been out with someone from the latter category, you may have noticed there are quite a few benefits to dating divorced people.

Why Dating Divorced People Has Certain Perks

From practical reasons to psychological ones, this is why not only should you not be put off dating someone who’s been divorced, but it actually makes a lot of sense dating them.

To begin with, a person who has been married once has already proven that they are not afraid of commitment – they have made the decision once. And even though it didn’t work that time, it still means that they believe in the institution and are not the kind of people who run away at the thought of making a commitment to a partner.

Secondly, a divorced person has already been “housebroken”. They know the rules of sharing a house, from sharing the bathroom every morning before work and having to do the house chores to peacefully spending time with another person under the same roof. Unless someone has already been there, they can’t imagine the problems that arise from the smallest difficulties of sharing a household.

A third advantage to dating divorced people is that they know how to communicate effectively. A marriage involves the need to communicate over a number of things, from financial issues to child-rearing and coordinating time schedules, which means that your partner will already be able to communicate with you in an effective manner and you won’t have to struggle much when it is time for you to move on to a more serious type of relationship later on.

Last but not least, divorced people come from failed relationships, which means that they have been taught some really valuable life lessons that have only made them wiser. This is the kind of wisdom you can use to your advantage, as it means that your partner now knows what he/she wants and, perhaps more importantly, what they don’t want from a relationship. They will most probably have learned the hard way how to be a better partner and speak out about the things they want from their better half too.

Becoming Better Partners

Even though all of us carry our own emotional baggage, at the end of the day it is our past and our experiences that can make us better, more communicative and understanding partners who know what they want.  Dating divorced people can offer us some insight on marriage and teach us a lesson or two about committed relationships.

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Seemingly Unmanly Activities Every Man Should Actually Do

Even though times have changed and the roles of men and women are not as distinctly different as they were a few decades ago, there is still a deep-rooted notion about what makes a “manly man”. However, there are certain unmanly activities that can benefit a man in ways he may not have imagined.

How Do These Unmanly Activities Make You A Better Man?

Traditionally, a manly man will enjoy hunting, lifting weights, and watching football while drinking beer with his mates, and he’ll also love chopping wood for his BBQ. However, there are some things that are seen as more “unmanly” that can make a man a better version of himself. Read on.


After so many years of women being considered the unquestionable queens of the kitchen, men are proving to be equally – if not more – talented cooks. Honing his culinary skills is beneficial for any guy because it helps him be more creative, but it’s also good for teaching him how to discipline and follow directions. In terms of attraction, all women appreciate the effort put into preparing a delicious three-course meal. Even if you only learn a handful of recipes, make sure you excel at them; you won’t regret it.


Most men would rather buy the same shirt 5 times than to spend a few hours trying on clothes. Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, is a case in point, as he wears the same grey T-shirt every day claiming to be “too busy running the world’s largest social network” to spend time picking what to wear.

However, shopping should be seen as an act of care for one’s self, not a chore. A man who chooses his clothes to suit him has better chances of attracting the attention of ladies. Not only does he look better in clothes that fit and suit him, but he also makes clear the fact he respects himself enough to care for his outward appearance and also gets to feel more confident.


By reading we don’t mean cars magazines and sports newspapers, but actual books. It has been found that women are the primary readers of literature, as most men seem to prefer engaging in more active pursuits, regarding reading as one of the most unmanly activities.

Nevertheless, a well-read man who knows his Hesse from his Chekhov is more cultured, interesting and attractive for having opened up his mind to the world of literature and possessing the ability to see things from a different perspective.

House Cleaning

A man doesn’t have to live in a space that’s filled with dirt and roaches – living in squalid conditions doesn’t make one more of a man, it just makes him a lazy and dirty kind of person women would run a mile from.

Keeping your house or apartment clean is beneficial for you because it gives you a better space to think and live with less stress; not to mention a place where you can invite the girl of your dreams continuing a hot date.

All in all, it becomes clear that as our societies progress the lines between the manly and unmanly activities become more and more blurred, making us more attractive and accomplished people irrespective of gender instead.

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Serbian Traditions You Should Experience

It’s time you learn something new in life by deepening your knowledge of Serbian traditions. This warm and friendly country has a population of over seven million and a rich seam of cultural traditions. Get to know more about the beautiful nature and real living in this interesting region. Serbia has a number of curious traditions together with more formal occasions like Orthodox Christmas and Easter. Take time to understand more about the customs that Serbians love most.

These Serbian Traditions Will Excite You


When spring comes to Serbia it’s the signal to celebrate! That means it’s time for ‘George’s Day’ (an Orthodox patron’s saint day), which takes place every year on April 23. Djurdjevdan brings a revitalizing spirit into the lives of Serbians. Based on the story of the dragon slaying Saint George (Sveti Dorde), it’s a very sacred time involving candle lighting and eating bread (kolach). Serbians also attend parties, sing folk songs, dance, and arrange flowers.


A Serbian Slava is a real experience that will help you more fully understand the country. Families in Serbia all share one patron saint and the Slava (or thanksgiving) is the time every year when they rejoice in their saint’s special day. During their Slava day, a family will welcome friends to partake in a grand feast. Candles are lit, special wine is drunk and the Slava bread is shared with all in attendance. A family’s saint is usually passed on from father to son.


All Serbian villages have a sacred tree in their local vicinity that acts as a token of faith and communal well-being. A local priest will whittle a cross into the chosen tree (zapis), often an oak tree or similar kind. The tree is designated as special and becomes the focus for all village celebrations including Orthodox religious ceremonies, marriages, and the harvest festival (named krstonose).


Occurring in spring, this is a pagan village custom where a girl dressed in leaves travels through town singing and dancing to a traditional song. Every homeowner she visits is expected to pour water on the girl in tribute to Dodola, the Slavic rain goddess.


Held on June 15 (or June 28 on the Gregorian calendar), this religious holiday celebrates St. Vitus and the Serbian Orthodox Church. It dates back to 1389 when the Church defended itself from attack. It’s an important date in Serbia because a series of pivotal events have taken place on this date throughout history.

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How To Determine If You Are Compatible Without Being Intimate

There is no doubt that one of the most significant ingredients for the happiness of a couple is being compatible in bed. However, sometimes this is hard to gauge. How can a couple establish whether they are sexually compatible when being intimate is not possible?

This Is How You Can Tell If You’re Right For Each Other Before Being Intimate

In some cases, either because of practical difficulties, such as being in different parts of the world, or due to a couple’s conscious decision to abstain until a certain point in their common life, such as marriage, a couple can’t get intimate. Therefore, they have to rely on certain signs in order to guess their level of sexual compatibility. Here are the most efficient of them.

The couple can communicate well. Communication is a crucial factor for all healthy relationships, and it’s also vital when it comes to sex. A successful and compatible couple should feel free to openly discuss their desires, boundaries, and needs. Being able to talk about the most awkward sides of intimacy and to freely give your feedback to your partner, as well as receive feedback from her, are good signs of sexual compatibility too. It means that even if you do have some differences between you, you will be able to address them instead of sweeping them under the rug.

The partners are willing to make compromises. There are no two people who are the same. What’s more important than being the exact same person as your partner is your (and her) willingness to compromise and look for common ground. Of course, having the same drives helps – which takes us to the third sign.

Both partners have the same drives. Even when you are not able to act on your drives, knowing that both of you share the same ideas about what’s fun, how often you’d like to be intimate with each other and the when and where of your fantasies is important as it sets the ground for the moment you will get there.

Both parties know themselves well. Knowing your own self and being comfortable in your own skin are good indicators of being able to love someone and give yourself to them honestly. If your partner suffers from low self-esteem and too much insecurity, it’s a bad sign for your sex life too. But if she is also aware of her strengths and needs, the chances are she will also make a good, giving lover.

Even though sexual chemistry is very much a physical thing and there are no guarantees for it, it is also a brain thing and a couple can come to some conclusions regarding their compatibility even before being intimate.

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