Marry This Person To Have A Successful Career

A successful career can be a result of an individual’s winning personality and hard work. But, a new research suggests that it may not just be your personality that’s one of the key factors in your career success. Your promotion might have been made possible by your personality as well as your spouse’s.

Is My Spouse Responsible For My Successful Career?

Researchers from Washington University studied 4,544 married people to see if there’s a connection between their spouse’s personality and their job success. Participants had to answer a questionnaire with 36 items. The researchers divided the personality traits into five: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism, which are the “Big Five” personality traits.

Individuals’ incomes, promotions, relationship satisfaction, relationship duration, sexual activity, a division of household labor, and other factors that influence one person’s relationship with their spouse were determined from the participants.

The Personality That Stood Out For Successful Career

From the data collected, the personality trait that stood out was conscientiousness. If a person is conscientious, he or she is thoughtful, is goal-directed, organized, mindful, and exhibit good control over impulses.

So according to the data collected, individuals who have a conscientious partner had higher levels of job satisfaction, higher income and a better chance of getting promoted. There are, of course, other factors that affect a person’s successful career, but ultimately, they will be more likely to get that promotion they been working hard for if their spouse possesses the mentioned personality trait.

How Is This Possible?

You’re probably thinking of how your spouse’s personality can do wonders for your career. Here are a few simple reasons.

A conscientious spouse will:

  • Understand when you’re working late
  • Help at home – do the chores, laundry and take care of the kids
  • Encourage you to be the best you can be

What Can We All Learn From This?

So your successful career is not successful because your spouse is helping you out with whatever task that you bring home from work. It’s about them creating the environment where you can be effective and efficient. If you marry someone who is conscientious, you’ll have less stress at home, be more focused when working on tasks, and feel appreciated for the hard work you’re doing for your family’s future.

We hope that you found this interesting. If you did, don’t forget to share this post on social media. Do you need more relationship tips? Check out more posts from our blog. Don’t forget to check AnastasiaDate to meet ladies from Eastern Europe.







Seducing Is Life: Do You Love To Flirt?

Flirting is so natural that all living creatures do it. And it (mostly) comes so easy sometimes that we don’t even realize we are doing it. But why do we love to flirt so much? What makes flirting such a pleasurable activity for both men and women?

The Reasons We Love To Flirt

There are many different reasons why we enjoy flirting so much. Today we will have a look at the most important among them.

It’s what nature wants us to do. Have you seen male peacocks flirt? Why do you think male peacock has such a gorgeous plume if not to show it off and attract female attention? Likewise, we groom ourselves to the nines and go out there to show our best selves to attract the attention of our chosen girl, simply following our primal instinct telling us to do so.

It is super fun. If flirting wasn’t so much fun, people wouldn’t be doing it so much. The whole process of flirting may be intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will come naturally and reward you greatly. The give and take of flirting can be amusing. Finding the right girl to flirt can turn your night out from a boring affair to the best night you can imagine.

It’s good for our self-esteem. A successful flirt – meaning one that gets the desired response – can make a guy feel like a million dollars. There is no doubt that when a girl flirts back, you feel important and attractive. There is no better confidence boost than her smile when you chat her up or a positive response to something you said. The feeling is priceless every time.

It’s good for your mind, too. But it isn’t just your confidence that is enhanced through flirting. It has been found that when we flirt, our mind works full steam. This is because we need to come up with clever things to say really quickly, so our brain is forced to act really fast or we will seem boring and silly. So, flirting makes you smarter too.

For whatever reason we may flirt, the one thing that’s for sure is that we love to flirt so much that we are not likely to ever stop doing it. From the warm feeling we get when our object of desire responds well to flirting, to the satisfaction we get when we come up with a clever ice-breaker, flirting is so entertaining and heart-warming that everyone loves it.

Did we get you in the mood for flirting? You can visit AnastasiaDate for the chance to chat with the most gorgeous Eastern European ladies. If you enjoyed reading this article, there’s more where it came from – click here.

Digital Signs You’re In A Serious Online Relationship

Everyone is online dating these days because it is easy to do. But, even if online dating has made meeting people easier, it doesn’t make the process of dating less complicated. For example, when you’re online dating, how would you know that the person wants to be in a serious online relationship given the numerous choices that he or she can easily make?

Modern Signs Of A Blooming Serious Online Relationship

The person you’re talking to can find one tiny fault in you and then decide that you are better off as friends. There are a lot more options in the online dating scene so why not find someone who is absolute perfection? Well, because it’s an illusion that kind of person even exists, although a lot of people get caught in the idea it does.

But that fact aside, when it comes to online dating in today’s age, there are some digital signs you can trust that tell you you’re in a serious online relationship. If you spot any of these digital signs, you can safely tell yourself that the person you’re online dating is already taking things seriously:

Social Media Worthy

A good sign that you’re in a serious online relationship is that your partner and you share whatever experiences you have on social media. It could be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or whatever social media you’re into. If most of your friends on social media know that you’re in an online relationship, and the same goes with your partner, things are getting serious.

Texting During The Day

Everyone loves to text, especially when they are interested in the person they are texting. If you and your online partner constantly text throughout the day, it means that you are fond of each other. The affection and interest are there, and your consistency means that you and your partner want to stay connected.

No More Dating Apps

The best digital sign that tells you that you’re in a serious online relationship is when you and your partner no longer have dating apps on your phones. You’ve already found each other so why bother with dating apps, right?

So, how many digital signs have you spotted in your relationship now? We hope that you’ve spotted a lot. We’ll have more dating tips for you on the blog tomorrow. Make sure to visit AnastasiaDate if you want to try out online dating.

Types Of Women To Avoid At All Costs

If your friends are tired of hearing you whine about not meeting the right girl, maybe it’s time to think about your choices so far. It may be that the type of woman you’re after actually belongs to one of the types of women to avoid.

So, What Are The Types Of Women To Avoid?

While the old saying “different strokes for different folks” may hold true, there are some kinds of women you should really steer clear of if you want a happy, fulfilling personal life.

Mrs Know-It-All. Don’t ever think you can outsmart this one. Where you have been, she has been before you. What you don’t know, she surely does. And if she doesn’t, she will still pretend that she does. This type of woman is dying for an opportunity to ridicule you in front of your friends (say, in a harmless Trivial Pursuit round) and lower your self-esteem. Just leave.

Mrs Toxic. She has a problem for all your solutions. For example, she is bound to find all the flaws in the holiday hotel you booked. And the flight there. And the restaurant you dine after your swim. And the holiday destination itself. Don’t bother; she will only make you miserable.

Mrs Mommy’s Daughter. Typically, this type of woman still lives with her mother. She is her best friend with whom she talks on the phone all day, messages a hundred times when you are out and seeks confirmation for every little thing. Let her spend more time with her mum. In fact, let her spend it all with her. Too much hassle.

Mrs Unmotivated. This is the kind of woman who finds no interest in anything. You won’t ever see her excited about a single thing. Forget about going for walks, weekend escapes or any kind of activities you may have in mind. Prepare yourself for endless hours on the couch, watching TV and being bored to death.

Mrs Drama Queen. You may lose your job, your dog may die and your house may catch fire, and still it will be all about the pain she felt when her nail broke. Not ready to face more drama than a Broadway theater? Then run for the hills. This one’s not for you.

These are 5 types of women to avoid, or, as you can see, 5 types of people you should avoid in general really, but fortunately, there are much better options out there. Visit our site and get to meet some of them or get more relationship advice here.