make a move AnastasiaDate

Does She Want You To Make A Move? Here’s How You’ll Know

Whenever you’re on a date with a gorgeous lady, you become more aware of your actions. Why wouldn’t you, right? You would need to act appropriately and say the right things. You don’t want to make a move too early or too late. In this case, most feel like they are walking on eggshells.

The Right Time To Make A Move Is Now If You Spot These Signs

Well, we don’t necessarily have to feel like we’re tip-toeing. The best way to approach a date would be to enjoy yourself. If you let loose and just go with your gut instinct, you will feel less tense. Now, when it comes to making a move to kiss, hug, or touch your date’s hand, it’s best not to go through with it if you don’t spot these signs:

Eye Contact & Getting Close

When your date is maintaining eye contact with you during your conversation, take it as a sign. When she is moving closer to you, then it’s an even surer sign.

Accepting & Reciprocating Flirting

There will definitely be some flirting when you are on your date. You’ll know that the lovely lady is into your flirting when she accepts our advances and then flirts right back. Definitely, someone who is not interested in you won’t react the same way when you flirt with them.

Watch Out For Firsts

Today, we live in a century where women are more empowered. Gone are the days when all women had to do was wait for the man to talk to them. Nope, women make can make moves too! Did she give you her number first? Did she tell you to give her a kiss or a hug?  Did she tell you to add her on social media? If yes, then it is a green light for you.

Learn To Read Her Signs

You have to develop a sense of awareness when you are on your date. However, instead of being too aware of yourself, you should focus more on being aware of your date’s actions. Then, when you see that she is open to your hints, you are OK to make a move. For more dating and relations advice, read other posts on our blog.