Irresistible Men Have These Characteristics

Most men are already aware of what women want in a physical sense. For example, chiseled abs, a well-defined chin, and great looking hair (or maybe a dad bod). However, if you want to be a complete package, you have to look beyond physical aspects that make irresistible men alluring to all women.

Non-Physical Traits Irresistible Men Possess

The truth is, being handsome and having a good physique are just plus points. They can easily be overlooked when the man isn’t confident and assertive. So, instead of feeling down on yourself because you don’t have that summer-ready body, you could work on the following instead:

1. Don’t Say No

What shouldn’t you say no to? Adventures, of course. Irresistible men are always game for new experiences. Whether your date is asking to go to a class together, or a short road trip to somewhere, say yes.

2. Don’t Give Up Easily

You have to be a go-getter. When you’re dating online, you have to be assertive. When you’ve hit it off with someone, ask them out immediately. In an offline setting don’t be discouraged because the person you’re interested in is saying that you are not her type. You have to be persistent and pursue the woman that you want to date. But you have to do that mindfully. If she really means NO, and just teasing you or playing hard to get, then it’s time to move on.

3. Continue Learning

Whether it is current events, or something interesting that you have just discovered, go ahead and continue your quest for knowledge. Women find intellectual men irresistible.

4. Take Charge

You know, even independent women love a man who can take charge. You just have to know how to take charge in a way that doesn’t come off as controlling. For example, if you want to ask your online date out, go ahead. Set the time and place.

All of these traits stem from being self-assured. If you know who you are as a person, all of these traits will just emerge naturally. Keep working on yourself for the better. Irresistible men are confident in their ways because they don’t stop growing and discovering more of themselves. For other tips on self-improvement and dating, read more of our posts on the blog.

Your Heart Has Been Broken, Should You Consider A Rebound Relationship?

Most often, breakups are messy. They leave you with so much pain, and they hinder you from thinking logically. You don’t know what to do next, feeling like you’re simply stuck in that moment of sadness and grief. Is it possible for one to heal faster? The answer is yes, and you can do it through a rebound relationship.

A Rebound Relationship Can Make You Feel Like Yourself Again

Logically, one might think that rebound relationships are a bad idea because you’d have to allow a certain amount of time for your heart to heal. However, science seems to disagree.

Research conducted by Brumbaugh & Fraley points out that engaging in a rebound relationship can have more benefits than we think. In their study, they found that people who engage in new relationships after a breakup are more confident about their desirability. In addition, the rebound relationship they engaged in helped them come to terms with the breakup with their former partner.

Despite this, you need to know a few things before you look for your next romantic fling. First, there are two kinds of rebound relationships:

  • Classic rebound – this happens when you start dating someone right away. Usually, things progress pretty fast – the relationship becomes serious in a short amount of time.
  • Casual rebound – this type of rebound happens when you lower your standards and start paying attention to people who show interest in you. It could be anyone.

Which type of rebound do you think will you be most comfortable with? Once you have decided, you have to consider the following reminders:

  • Don’t make hasty judgments and decisions. Although you are hurting, you still have to think about the decision that you’re making so that you won’t have to face regret.
  • Remember that your new love won’t be the person to make up for your former lover’s shortcomings.
  • Make sure that you are upfront about your feelings. If you’re looking for something casual, it’s best to let your new date know.
  • Don’t forget to focus on yourself from time to time. Being in a relationship is great, but you have to know how to love yourself too.

For more tips about dating and relationships, make sure you check out the rest of our blog.

Pre-Marital Experiences Couples Need Before Tying The Knot

In a general sense, how would you know that you are ready when it comes to tying the knot? The truth is, not everyone is 100% sure that they are ready for marriage life. However ready or not you are, one thing is for sure. When you have found the person for you, there’s no stopping you from sealing the bond.

Before Tying The Knot, Couples Need To Build A Good Base

You can make yourself feel more ready by going through specific experiences as a couple to establish a good base before tying the knot. To do this, you will need the following essential experiences:

1. Take A Trip Together

A trip sounds like a way to relax, but it’s actually not. You may have already experienced what it’s like to go on a road trip or out of the country with your significant other. Both of you have to work together, make compromises, and resolve problems quickly to make the most out of your trip. You can learn a lot from traveling with your partner.

2. Survive A Big Argument

What was the biggest argument that you have overcome as a couple? Couples who survive an argument that might have led to a breakup, are more equipped with better problem-solving skills.

3. Have An In-Depth Conversation About Life And Family

When you have already talked about when to start a family or if that is even an option, then you may already be on the same page. This is a good sign. If you haven’t had the talk, it’s essential that you go through with it before tying the knot.

4. Going Through A Lot Of Low Points But Still Survived

Losing your job, getting a health scare, going through a stressful event – all of these are low points. If you or your partner has experienced any one of these points while still maintaining the relationship, you might just be more resilient than you think.

When you have gone through all of these experiences before tying the knot, then you are sure that you can survive anything as a couple. These experiences won’t make your marriage life perfect, but they ensure that you will or have been strong enough to stick to each other during tough times.

Do share this post if you found it helpful. We have more on our blog.

Social Media Rules New Modern Couples Need To Follow

We are currently living in a world saturated with the use of social media. Whether we want to admit it or not, this additional aspect of our lives has made things more complicated, not just in our friendships and professional connections but also, in our love lives. Are there social media rules that we need to follow as couples?

Essential Social Media Rules In Relationships

For old couples (couples who have been together for years), the social media rules may have already been established even if there was no formal talk about it. However, for the new ones, they have to be aware of their social media activity so as not to disrupt the continuity of the budding relationship:

1. Hold off on making that relationship request.

When you are happy about the relationship you’re currently in, you definitely want to let the entire world know that you are with somebody. Do not do this just yet. Yes, you’re technically in a relationship but you have to be sure that this person is serious about everything. Never give out a relationship request or change your status on social media unless you are 100% sure that you are formally a couple.

2. Don’t mind his/her ex’s activities.

Is the ex bothering your partner constantly with a bombardment of likes? Don’t mind it if your partner isn’t saying anything. However, if your love is sharing uncomfortable feelings about his/her ex lurking on all the social media accounts, it’s time you talk about what the best course of action is. Blocking the ex could work.

3. Easy on the comments.

Of course, you want to interact with your partner online as much as you are interacting in real life. You might be tempted to flood your partner’s social media with comments about how you’re agreeing with the post or with a dozen emojis. Stop right there. Just like how we need to give our partner’s space in real life, we also need to give them space online.

4. Put your phone down.

Yup, this is also a social media rule that you need to follow. As often as you can, you have to concentrate on building the relationship rather than concentrating on what you need to do on social media as a couple.

Follow all of these four social media rules and your relationship will be just fine. Share this post with new couples so they know exactly what they need to do. For more tips, check out other posts on our blog.