Category Archives: Dating News

This Activity Can Really Improve Your Dating Life

When it comes to going on dates, you have to admit that it’s naturally exciting yet nerve-wracking. There are plenty of ways to get the nervousness out of you, of course. You can plan your date ahead of time, think about topics to talk about, and choose your outfit beforehand. However, there’s one activity that many of us overlook. By doing this common practice, you can improve your dating life significantly.

Improve Your Dating Life By Practicing Mindfulness

We don’t really think of mindfulness most of the time. This is because our mind is easily distracted with other things like work, chores, and life. But, we must realize that being mindful can do wonders for every aspect of our life, dating included.

A study that involved 311 participants who dated online were required to enroll in a program that promotes mindfulness through meditation. Their results were compared to 311 other participants who did not undergo the program.

The Results

The results were very telling. The participants who went through the program were able to log into their dating site of choice more frequently than those who did not.

On top of this, there was also a reported increase in the number of matches the participants of the program viewed. Interestingly, the majority of those matches viewed the dating profiles of the participants as well.

The best part is that an increase was also observed in the number of two-way communications between the participants of the program and their matches.

Improve Your Dating Life Through Meditation

It’s simple. The results are telling us that we need to relax. In most cases, dating, whether online or offline, is actually a cause of stress. We feel anxiety if we don’t get any replies. Also, we worry too much about what our potential dates may think of us.

We are dating as if we are walking on eggshells. Both the program and the results are showing that meditation is an important tool to improve your dating life. What have you got to lose, especially if one of the positive outcomes would be improving your dating life? For more dating tips and relationship advice, read other posts on the blog.

How Your Education Affects Your Dating App Chances

When you’re on a dating app, most of the time, you would have to put in your educational achievement. It might be tempting to just leave this detail out because it’s something that may not be important. Well, think again because a recent study has proven that your educational level can actually improve your dating app chances.

The Higher Your Educational Level, The Better Your Dating App Chances

The study, published in the Psychological Sciences Journals, claim women are more likely than men to seek a certain level of educational level in a potential partner.

This study gathered data from 42,000 people from ages 18 to 80. It discovered that women from the age of 18 to 30 are more likely to have a preference in educational levels. With men of the same age group, not so much. But, interestingly, as both genders reach the age of 40, women become less picky, while the men become pickier.

The Explanation

During women’s early ages, they seek the best mate for themselves. So, one’s educational level becomes one of the yardsticks for choosing quality men. It’s pretty self-explanatory as most of us see people with a Master’s Degree or Ph.D. as smart or having a high social status.

As for men and women flipping the switch as they get older, the reason behind this could be because our preference changes throughout our reproductive cycle.

What To Do About It

If you’re looking for someone through apps, and you have a Master’s Degree, then great for you. You should wear (or display on your profile) this badge of honor with pride because you have earned it. You’ll have better dating app chances and get more dates in the process.

However, if your educational level isn’t that high, you can always put it on your dating app profile and then play up the strengths you already have. For example, if you’re athletic, make sure to include photos of yourself working out.

Educational level is just one of the factors that increase your chances of finding the perfect match. You still have other traits that you can highlight, like kindness or a funny personality, so don’t just focus on this one factor. Do share this post if you found it helpful. For more tips, make sure to check out other posts on the blog.

Are You Being Too Picky While Dating?

When finding the right person to be with, it’s impossible for us not to have preferences. Some of us may prefer women with long black hair, some prefer blondes. There are those of us who love dating Eastern European women, but others don’t really have this preference. Is it possible though that we are becoming too picky while dating?

When You’re Too Picky While Dating, You’ll Have A Hard Time Finding True Love

In an age where we are granted so many options, it’s impossible for us not to be picky. We have online dating and app dating now which affords us plenty of options. If you say that you want to meet a Spanish person, with dark hair, blue eyes, who works as a doctor, lives a comfortable life, and has only had three serious relationships so far, you might find one. But, does this mean being too picky while dating?

The answer is yes. Here’s the difference between preference and pickiness:

  • Preference focus on important things like a person’s character. Pickiness, on the other hand, deals more with the superficial aspects of a person.
  • You can do away with your preferences if you meet a good person who you’re genuinely interested in. But, if you’re too picky, you have to have the whole package.
  • Preferences come naturally. Being picky involves a long list of PROs and CONs.
  • When you have preferences, you give people a second chance even if the first date didn’t go too well. When you’re picky, you rarely have second dates.

How To  Avoid Being Picky While Dating

As you can tell, being picky is never a good trait. With so many items on your list, you will never find the right person for you. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you need to compromise. You should still have your preferences. As mentioned, preferences can be flexible, so don’t forget to give people a second chance.

Aside from this, remember to double check the list that you have. It’s not necessarily bad to have a list. However, if you stick to it too strictly, you will definitely have a hard time finding matches and you can start looking at it as a list of excuses you make up because you are really scared to fall in love. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

If You Have These Seven Essential Skills, You Will Succeed In Love And Life

There are two main ways for us to determine our success in this life – one, we take a look at our success in love, and, two, we examine the quality of the life we’re living now. Many of us haven’t reached this point yet because we think that in order to succeed in love and life we need to pay our dues first.

Equip Yourself With These Skills To Succeed In Love And Live The Best Life

Often times, we do need to work hard to achieve success. However, most of us struggle because we look at the whole process as a struggle for excellence. We think that in order for us to be successful in love and life, we need to be perfect in every aspect of our life. We learn so many useless skills when all we really need to be doing is focus on the big seven:


Creativity is mostly attributed to artists and creators. However, we don’t realize that it is an essential element to change. It also allows us to look for unique solutions to problems, and to think outside of the box.


Simply put, if you do not have the ability to learn, then you also don’t have the ability to grow. Be open to the thought that you still have a lot to learn.


Memory is essential because you’re going to need this to remember all of the learnings you have acquired. If you feel like your memory isn’t that good, do something about it with exercises.


To succeed in love and life, we must have focus. If we always give in to distractions, we won’t be able to achieve the goals we’ve set on the time we decided upon.


One way for us to stay focused is to have motivation. It’s great to be content with what you have, but what if it’s possible for you to have more?


We really don’t realize it, but habits make up a good chunk of what we do in life. Our routine and the specific way we like to do things are all results of our habits. If we don’t form good ones, it is likely that we won’t be able to succeed.


The last one is time. We need to know how to handle our time properly. With all of these online distractions, games, and so on, we might be wasting a good amount of our time on things that won’t help us succeed.

If you focus on all of these seven skills, you will slowly see that your dating status and life will improve. Don’t forget to be consistent in these skills. For more tips and reviews, read other posts on the blog.