Category Archives: Dating News

Six Steps To Getting Your First App Date

When you meet someone truly interesting on a dating app, the best step to take to ensure that everything is moving forward is to ask this person out. You shouldn’t delay anymore, especially if you already feel something for the individual. But, how do you get from saying your first “hello” to going on your first app date?

Never Overthink Your Moves If You Want To Go On Your First App Date

If you really think about it, there’s nothing to overthink. As soon as you meet someone online, the most basic things that you need to do are introduce yourself, establish a connection, then ask the person out on a date. However, because we get nervous, or we think too much about what to do next, we don’t think of the steps to take clearly. If this sound like you, chill out. All you have to do is master six phases:

1. Initiate Contact

Do you find the person that you’re interested in is too attractive? If yes, it’s best to get this idea off of your mind. Don’t be afraid to say hello first just because you think that the person is out of your league.

2. Keeping The Conversation Rolling

After you say hi first, it would be nice to have a meaningful conversation, even if it is through chat. Instantly, you will know if the person is interested in you when you see that an exchange in conversation is taking place. You will know if there’s genuine interest.

3. Watch Out

As you talk more about life, you still have to observe. Are there any red flags? Or, was there something your date did that you were not comfortable with?

4. Seal With A Call

When there are no red flags, it is best to seal the deal with a phone or video call. Why would you do this? For one, you are confirming your identity, as well as your date’s. Both of you can feel more secure because you have heard or seen each other in this step.

5. The First Date

Of course, after the video or phone call, the only thing to do is ask your first app date out. Remember, don’t overthink it. You simply have to ask him or her to meet.

6. Practice Being Positive

After your first date, the person you’re seeing might get busy. So, do not force things to happen. Be patient, and never think that your date is up to no good.

Every time you meet someone special on your dating app, just follow this process. The more you practice it, the more that you will remember. Sooner or later, it’s simply going to be like clockwork for you. The main idea is to meet your first app date and see what he or she is like in real life. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

To Stay In Love, You Must Have This In Common With Your Partner

Think about your romantic relationship now. When you compare it to your connection with your partner at the beginning, it’s not the same. This realization may sound scary, but don’t worry. If you have one common element with your partner, you will stay in love.

To Stay In Love, You Must Focus On Friendship

It may be strange to say that you should focus on friendship. However, there’s a valid reason for it. Think about what’s going to happen as soon as your honeymoon phase is over.

In case you have no clue, the honeymoon phase happens at the beginning of every relationship. Because everything is new and exciting, you will feel like you’re on top of the world. However, as months pass by and both of you feel more comfortable with each other, the spark will slowly fade.

When the spark is no longer present, the only element that’s going to hold your relationship together is friendship. When you are with your friend, you will feel comfortable and happy, and you’ll always have something to talk about. But, how can you develop your friendship with your significant other?

How To Build A Friendship With Your Partner

In general, how do you make friends? Of course, you talk, and you make an effort to get to know the other person. You can also try doing nice things for the person you care about. Go on dates or just hang out, it depends on how you approach it.

In this instance, you have to place major importance on communication. You always tell everything to your friends, no matter how small that something is, right? So, this is no exception.

Starting today, it’s a must for you to build a good base in the form of friendship. For more dating and relationship tips, read other posts on the blog.

What To Say To A Girl On A Dating App

Finding a girl you like on a dating app can feel like you’re walking on eggshells. On one hand, you feel great, of course. But, on the other, it’s going to feel like you have to watch your every move so you don’t make the wrong ones. It’s understandable because men always get nervous when they are talking to a girl on a dating app or in real life that they are truly interested in.

Don’t Screw Up Your Chance With The Girl On A Dating App

To lessen your chances of mistakes, you have to know what to say. It isn’t as if you are going to write a whole script right before you talk to a girl on a dating app. The idea is to know a good topic to bring up or a good technique to apply. Try the following:

1. Always do a quick scan of her dating profile.

You always need to start with a lady’s profile. Right before you initiate chatting with her, how else can you know tiny details about her? There’s a lot that you can pick up on a person’s dating profile. For one, you can find specific topics to start with. For example, if you read that she loves dogs, then talk to her about your pet.

2. Try out travel questions.

Everyone loves to travel to different places, and it’s highly likely that the girl on a dating app you’re interested in has posted travel-related photos of herself. As an opener, you can try saying, “How was your trip to Asia? I saw on your profile that you went. I have not gone myself, but I am planning to by the end of the year.”

3. The right amount of cheesy is good.

Sometimes, being cheesy can pay off. It’s a good way to break the ice and to make the girl you’re going to talk to feel more comfortable. It’s also a great way to show off your sense of humor. You can say something like, “I have had a crush on you for the past two hours.”

Next time, when you meet a girl on a dating app, you’ll have better confidence. Every time you practice the suggestions mentioned, you will get better at doing them. For more relationship and dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

Small Changes That Can Elevate Your Relationship

There are so many small changes that you can do today to make your significant other happy and elevate your relationship. But, you don’t really make these small adjustments because you’re so focused on different things like work, chores, friends, and family. There’s nothing wrong with this, of course. However, we should always refocus ourselves to improving our relationship if it is that important to us.

It Doesn’t Require A Lot Of Effort To Elevate Your Relationship

We mistakenly make the assumption that improving our relationship is hard work. It can be if the repairs that are needed are major. However, if we start with the little things as early as now, we don’t need to invest much of our time and effort into building a relationship that’s going to stand the test of time. For example, these small changes can really make a difference:

Remember That You’re On The Same Team

You should not be against each other because you’re on the same team. If you have this perspective in your mind all the time, you won’t automatically think about negative things about your partner or the relationship. Work together towards a common goal, and as you do this, you can improve your couple’s dynamic.

Think Pro-Relationship Thoughts

As mentioned, you should only think about the positive when it comes to your partner or your relationship’s future. Do not entertain thoughts that can make you doubt your connection with each other. Even if things aren’t bright right now, seek solace in the thought that you’re just going through a rough patch.

Pause And Share

Remember that you have to refocus your attention on your significant other. If you don’t have enough time, try this technique. During your free time, pause and purposefully observe your partner. Then, think about why you’re thankful that you are together. Don’t stop here though. You have to tell your partner. For example, saying something as simple as, “I like it when you cook me breakfast every day. I really appreciate it” is enough.

Because you’re in a relationship, you have to treat your significant other as your partner – you are on the same side. Be more appreciative, and always think about positive things with regards to your relationship. For more dating posts and relationship tips, read other articles on the blog.