Category Archives: Dating News

The Basics Of Midlife Dating You Need To Know About

Midlife is defined as the central part of a person’s life. Commonly, you have reached your midlife when you are between the ages of 45 to 55. Most people who are of this age feel like the sun is beginning to set on them. But, on the contrary, it’s still possible for exciting things to happen. Have you ever heard about midlife dating?

Start Here For 101 Lessons On Midlife Dating

Yes, it’s possible for those between the mentioned ages to still have a love life. Why not, right? It’s not like your capability to love a person diminishes with age. There are plenty who are midlife dating in both the online and offline hemisphere, so why not give it a try? Before you do, however, there are a couple of things that you need to know about:

 1. Reading People Quickly Is A Must

If your purpose is to meet someone for a potential long-term relationship, it’s essential that you develop the skill of reading a person in the quickest way. For example, if you met the person online, maybe you can ask him or her what section of the newspaper they read first. This may seem like a weird question but it’s an interesting ice-breaker. If the person says travel and business, then that’s exactly what they are passionate about.

2. Don’t Just Focus On Dating

Dating may be important for you but you should always remember that it’s just one of the aspects of your life.  You may still have your family, hobby, or a career. So, don’ just focus on dating alone. Focus on other aspects as well.

3. Be Mindful When Stepping Into The Midlife Dating Scene

Likely, it has been a while since you have dated. The biggest concern that you may have is that you are not confident enough. Don’t worry. Most people who are midlife dating feel this way. It’s important to have your own sense of self. If you lost it, it’s time that you rediscover who you are. Be yourself because that’s enough.

Now that you’ve read the tips, you’re ready to do some midlife dating online or offline. For advice similar to this, read more posts on our blog.

What Ladies In Their 20s Look For In a Guy

Before you date ladies in their 20s, you need to understand where they are in life to know exactly what they need. If you skip doing this, you’re not going to have very much luck with the ladies you want to meet. You see, ladies in their 20s have very specific needs and wants which translates to the kind of man they are looking for.

You Should Know What Ladies In Their 20s Look For In A Date

To give you a sneak peek into how the young female mind thinks, here’s a list of the priority qualities ladies in their 20s are searching for in their potential dates. See if you can spot any of your characteristics here:

1. Fun

Yes, ladies who are over 20 years old also want to have fun, but it’s not a top priority. Ladies in their 20s are young. They want to explore the world, explore themselves, and always have the best time whenever they go out on a date or do something.

2. Sense Of Humor

By extension, the guy a young lady would want to date should also be able to make her laugh, not just show her the best time. Humor is something that makes females comfortable, at ease and chill. This is exactly how a young lady would want to feel when going on a date.

3. Ambitious

Plenty of young ladies are attracted to a person who has ambition. It could be because ambition can also mean that a person is smart, driven, and focused – qualities that are considered a plus for potential dates to have.

4. Family-Oriented

Whether you believe it or not, younger females like men who are family-oriented. Just like being ambitious, having the desire to take care of one’s family can translate to kindness, love, and reliability. Wouldn’t you want that from someone you want to date?

5. Honest

All ladies want to date someone who is honest. While ladies from other age groups also want someone who is honest, in addition to that, younger ladies tend to gravitate towards someone who is not fond of sugar coating what he has to say – someone who doesn’t change his opinion simply because he may come of as rude.

Can you spot any of your qualities on the list? Do share this post if you found it interesting. For more posts like this, read more on our blog.

The Most Interesting Love Facts People Usually Don’t Know

Despite the debate of what approach works and doesn’t work in one’s love life, there are still love facts that are undeniable. What facts are these? Aside from everyone knowing that love is, perhaps, one of the best feelings in the world, there are plenty of other love facts that not many know about.

Surprising Love Facts That You Can Impress Your Dates With

Today, we’re going to reveal some love facts that not everyone is familiar with. This is just a nice-to-know kind of post, but you can also use the facts that you learn here to break the ice with your date, whether meeting online or offline:

Love Is Like A Drug

Are you addicted to love? This may be the reason behind it. One study published in Medical News Today revealed that people who are in love tend to have increased levels of adrenaline, oxytocin, and dopamine in their brains. These are the very same chemicals that produce a euphoric-state produced when taking specific drugs.

Attraction At First Sight

“Love at first sight” is such a romantic moment to day-dream about. However, we may have to adjust the words we use. It’s not actually the feeling of love that we are experiencing at first sight, but more of an attraction. A study found that our prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain that’s responsible for complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behavior, lights up quickly when we see a person we are attracted to.

Japan Has Two Days Dedicated To Love

One of the many popular love facts we’re familiar with is that we celebrate February 14 as the day for love. In Japan, however, it’s not just a one-day celebration. On February 14, Valentines Day is celebrated. Gentlemen receive gifts. A month after, March 14, it’s the men’s turn to give gifts to the important women in their lives.

Our Ring Finger

Ancient Romans and Greeks believed that a vein in our ring finger was connected directly to our heart. They called it the Vena Amoris or the “vein of love”. Although modern science has debunked this theory, the tradition of putting our engagement ring and wedding ring on our ring finger stuck around.

Do you know of any other love fact that you might want to share? For more fun posts like this, don’t forget to read more on our blog.

Self-Realizations You Need To Accept To Find True Love

We often think that finding true love needs to come from outside forces. For example, to find true love in this day and age, you need to be signed up to a dating site. This is true and everyone needs to take advantage of technology to find true love. However, what you need to look into first is finding love within yourself.

The First Step For You To Find True Love Is Accepting These Beliefs

Whether you believe that this is true or not, you cannot take away from the fact that you won’t be able to love someone fully if you don’t accept certain truths. Here’s your wake up call:

1. Not everyone will be attracted to me.

To you, this may sound like a negative but you have to realize that this is a fact. Not everyone you meet will find you attractive. You are not everyone’s type. This doesn’t mean that you’re not good looking. This simply means that you can get rejected, and that’s OK.

Rejection is a big part of dating, both online and offline. The sooner you accept that not everyone will be into you, the better you will handle rejection.

2. I cannot find ultimate happiness in my relationship.

Let’s get one thing straight. Your relationship will make you happier, but you should never appoint it as the source of your ultimate happiness. This should come from you. If you’re relying on your partner to make you feel good, you’ll probably be let down half of the time. We all make mistakes, remember that.

3. My relationship isn’t going to be romantic all the time.

We have lives to maintain. You may have a career and so does your partner. Both of you may be attending to family matters. Both of you could need rest. To tell you the truth, thinking that things are going to be romantic all the time is simply unrealistic.

The sooner you accept these truths, the closer you will be to finding the love of your life. Remember to start from within. Focus on healing your inner self if you need it so the next relationship you get into won’t be strained by your lack of inner love. For more tips on self-development and dating, read our blog.