Category Archives: Dating News

Beware Of Cloaking While You Are Dating Actively

Cloaking is a new dating term that we should acquaint ourselves with. As we are actively dating, we need to be careful with people who flake on us and do not take us seriously. This is what cloaking is all about. Yes, unfortunately, there are plenty of people like this in the dating world.

Cloaking Is Similar To Ghosting But More Appalling

When you think about a cloak, you think about hiding something by covering it up. As a dating term, it means something similar. Imagine that you have finally met someone you like on a dating app. You chat for a bit and then decide to meet in real life. You go to the restaurant you’re supposed to meet at. But, you find yourself alone.

You wait for a few minutes, which turns into an hour. You go on your phone to check your messages. Then, you suddenly find out that your supposed-to-be date has blocked you and erased all of your conversation together. It’s like he or she has disappeared in thin air.

Why It’s Called Cloaking

From that situation, your potential date is cloaking you. For some unknown reason, he or she just decided to ditch you and leave you hanging. You are most likely going to feel embarrassed and angry.

It’s going to feel terrible, but believe that you are better off, and it has nothing to do with you, it’s just that person is a terrible one. Being cloaked is not an easy situation to get over, but think about it as dodging a bullet.

Is It Possible To Avoid?

Do your best to get to know the person that you just met. If you are a good judge of character, then you might avoid being cloaked. But, you never really know because everything starts out wonderful. On this note, there are no specific steps to protect yourself from this dating trend. You really just have to practice awareness.

This doesn’t mean that you have to put up a wall too. Just be more careful about the people you meet and don’t give your heart out too quickly. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

How To Use Sports As A Dating Tool

Are you a big sports fan? Or, maybe you like playing different kinds of sports? Well, you can use this to your advantage when dating. There are plenty of single people out there who have similar interests as you. You just have to know how to use sports as a dating tool.

Sports Can Be Used As A Dating Tool To Meet More People

How in the world can you meet new people through sports? There are a lot of different ways. As a matter of fact, you can use your interests to your advantage as long as you know how to use them as an effective dating tool. When it comes to sports, for example, try the following suggestions:

1. Pick a sport and go with it.

There are so many sports that you could be interested in. If it’s football, then make sure that you include that in your dating profile. You can even add photos of yourself in a jersey of your favorite football team. The same goes if you’re into basketball.

2. Try going to a class.

You will find a lot of classes that teach the kind of sport you are interested in. Enroll in one and then try to mingle. This is more of an offline approach, but you can also mention this when you are dating online to impress a potential match.

3. Watch a game and rave about it.

Is there a coming game that you absolutely need to watch? Whatever sport it might be, you can go to a sports bar where you can meet others who are just as excited with the game as you. You can easily strike up a conversation with new people while the game is playing.

Try Sports And See How it Goes

As mentioned, you can actually do this with other interests. For example, if you like art or like to draw, you can simply follow the same process. What’s great about this technique is that you can meet like-minded people who are into the same things as you. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

Sweetest Phrases That Will Always Make Her Smile

You have to admit, when it comes to dating and relationships, men don’t always express what they feel. Most would rather keep it to themselves. That’s fine, but women think differently. The more you say sweetest phrases, the more a woman feels loved.

Sweetest Phrases You Should Often Tell Your Partner

If you’re not the expressive type, this is your chance to redeem yourself. This is how you start. Forget about the cliche phrases like, “You’re beautiful.” They work, but here are some of the lines that can make your girl smile:

1. “I appreciate you.”

When you say that you appreciate your partner, it means that all of her efforts – cleaning, cooking, and taking care of you – are worth it. You’re telling her how grateful you are for all the things that she has done for you.

2. “I’m in love with you.”

What’s the difference with “I love you” and “I’m in love you with you”? Well, the former gets thrown around way too much, sometimes, that it loses its meaning. The latter, on the other hand, communicates security. It’s like saying, “My heart belongs to you.”

3. “I made breakfast/dinner.”

Wouldn’t it be nice if someone made you breakfast or dinner? Yes, your lady will feel extra special when you prepare a meal for her. Because you made the effort, your girl is going to feel loved and cared for, which will make her smile.

Try Out The Mentioned Sweetest Phrases Today

Say these sweetest phrases often. Don’t be afraid to make up your own. The goal is simple – express how you feel and show that you, indeed, appreciate your wife, girlfriend, or partner. She will feel more contented when you express how thankful you are that she is around. If she does the same, wouldn’t it make you happy? For more tips about strengthening relationships, read other posts on the blog.

Signs That Say you’re Emotionally Intelligent

Being emotionally intelligent can help you succeed in dating. Do you think that you are an emotionally intelligent person? You probably haven’t thought about it because it’s not something that we place a good amount of importance on. But, you should really think about it.

Emotionally Intelligent People Connect Better With Others

As you are dating, you can get away with not showing your emotions too often. However, if you want to enter a long-term relationship, it’s essential that you are in tune with what you feel. If you don’t know if you are yet, here are some signs that say you are emotionally intelligent:

1. Realistic Self-Confidence

There are people who are comfortable in their own skin and many see it. On the other hand, there are those who portray a false sense of confidence that’s obviously fake or forced. If people see that you are naturally bubbly or sociable, then you are emotionally in tune with yourself.

2. You Know How Your Feelings Operate

If you are in tune with yourself, it means that you display a certain level of self awareness. You know how you feel most of the time, or you are able to name the emotions that you are going through. You know when you have made a mistake and you do something about it.

3. Quick Recovery

Because you are connected with how you feel, you do not let your mistakes weigh you down too much. As mentioned, when you do make a mistake, you make sure that you make up for it by apologizing or righting the wrong you’ve done.

4. You Don’t Give Up

You don’t give up easily. You pick yourself up and you dust yourself off. You know that your short-comings are just points that you can improve upon. No matter how many times you fail, you never give up.

Are You Emotionally Intelligent?

How can being emotionally intelligent help you find someone true? Well, being aware of yourself and of others around you will make it easier for you to make the right decision. For more online dating and relationship tips, read other posts on the blog.