cloaking AnastasiaDate

Beware Of Cloaking While You Are Dating Actively

Cloaking is a new dating term that we should acquaint ourselves with. As we are actively dating, we need to be careful with people who flake on us and do not take us seriously. This is what cloaking is all about. Yes, unfortunately, there are plenty of people like this in the dating world.

Cloaking Is Similar To Ghosting But More Appalling

When you think about a cloak, you think about hiding something by covering it up. As a dating term, it means something similar. Imagine that you have finally met someone you like on a dating app. You chat for a bit and then decide to meet in real life. You go to the restaurant you’re supposed to meet at. But, you find yourself alone.

You wait for a few minutes, which turns into an hour. You go on your phone to check your messages. Then, you suddenly find out that your supposed-to-be date has blocked you and erased all of your conversation together. It’s like he or she has disappeared in thin air.

Why It’s Called Cloaking

From that situation, your potential date is cloaking you. For some unknown reason, he or she just decided to ditch you and leave you hanging. You are most likely going to feel embarrassed and angry.

It’s going to feel terrible, but believe that you are better off, and it has nothing to do with you, it’s just that person is a terrible one. Being cloaked is not an easy situation to get over, but think about it as dodging a bullet.

Is It Possible To Avoid?

Do your best to get to know the person that you just met. If you are a good judge of character, then you might avoid being cloaked. But, you never really know because everything starts out wonderful. On this note, there are no specific steps to protect yourself from this dating trend. You really just have to practice awareness.

This doesn’t mean that you have to put up a wall too. Just be more careful about the people you meet and don’t give your heart out too quickly. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.