Facial Cues We First Look At When Meeting New People

No matter how many times we say that we should not judge a book by its cover, we cannot really help it. Sometimes, it is already something that is wired in our subconscious. We recognize facial cues the first time we meet a person, and that’s similar to forming a first impression on what a book is about.

How We Perceive Facial Cues

Looking at people, the first thing that we see is the face. Instinctively, we search for facial cues. Experts say that we usually look for four cues in every person that we meet. Then our interactions with them also differ. The following are these four cues:

1. Having a baby face.

If we meet people who have “baby faces”, we can not help but treat the other person more kindly. It is as if we are talking to babies or young ones. This happens because we have a natural tendency to find babies cute and we have the same reactions to those having a baby face. These are people who have large eyes, short chins, round faces, as well as large foreheads.

2. Seeing a familiar face.

Needless to say, we like to be surrounded by people who are familiar to us. It makes us feel comfortable and at home. Ever wonder why babies act so friendly with one face and are uneasy to another? It’s because the familiar face reminds them of someone they know. If we meet a potential date online, for example, we may be drawn to this person because he or she reminds us of our friend or family member.

3. Seeing a fit person.

It seems that healthy and fit people look more attractive. It shows on their physique and even on their skin. We are then naturally drawn when we see a healthy, fit-looking face – great skin, defined features. We form the impression that the person is likable, intelligent, and capable.

4. Having an emotional resemblance.

The face speaks of a thousand emotions. We react to facial cues based on what we perceive as the person’s emotional situation at the moment. For example, an upturned mouth is widely perceived that someone is happy. When we meet a person who is smiling, it also uplifts our mood.

These are the usual things that we focus on when we see other people. Facial cues are very important. Be aware of them so when you meet new people, you will know how to make a good impression. The same goes when you are dating online, your photos have to portray the right facial cues. For more tips, read other posts on the blog.

Realest Dating Advice You Will Ever Read

Even when you’ve been dating for years, there will still be a couple of things about it that you don’t understand or realize. And a lack of knowledge and understanding might be the main factor that’s hindering us from finding real love. What we need is the realest dating advice that will help us realize a few facts about dating.

Realest Dating Advice That Serves As Our Wake Up Call

With all the dating advice we encounter every day, we need the ones that are the most real and honest so we can date successfully. We need to remember the following by heart:

Letting Go Is Painful But Necessary

Most of the time, we hold on to relationships that we know are no longer working. If we have the desire to ask our partner if they are on their way out, it’s likely that they are. At this point, despite the pain, you need to start moving on if things aren’t working.

You are Responsible For Your Own Feelings

Commonly, we point our finger towards the person who hurt our feelings, whether this person is our partner or our friend. In the end, we need to remind ourselves that we need to own up to our own feelings. We are responsible for how we feel.

Don’t Be Afraid To Feel Pain

We shy away from the hard stuff happening in our relationship because they are painful. Every argument or big problem we encounter has its own negative effect on us. When we move on from this relationship, we might carry the fear of getting hurt to the next one. The fact is, we are all going to get hurt at one point or another. You cannot stop the hurt from happening. Instead of fearing it, what you can do is accept the inevitable but persist anyway.

Everything on this list is a hard fact, the realest dating advice anyone will read. The last item, talking about pain, may be hard to believe and accept, but we must if we truly want to move forward from past hurts and start fresh with the right person. For more articles similar to this, check out the rest of our blog.

Toxic Dating Habits You Should Leave In 2020

If you haven’t seen a lot of action in your dating life, you shouldn’t blame it all on bad luck. The most likely reason for your unsuccessful dating streak is a slew of toxic dating habits that you keep on repeating.

Toxic Dating Habits You Need To Stop ASAP

Over and over you keep on doing the same mistake. This turned into a habit and then the habit turned into a dating rut that you’re currently stuck in. Don’t worry because there are always ways out of a rut. Here are our suggestions:

1. Don’t empower your preference list too much.

We all have a list that we refer to from time to time. This list contains all of the traits and characteristics we want our future partner to possess. Although there’s nothing wrong with the list because it serves as a reminder of our standards. But, we sometimes refuse to be flexible with the people we meet. Who cares if your date has black hair instead of blonde?

2. Investing too much, too soon.

Whenever we like someone, we usually make sure that they know it right away. We show it through our words or through our actions. Well, in 2021, you need let go of this habit and really take your time to get to know a person before you invest too much of yourself. Take things slower before you actually decide to give the majority your emotions, time and effort.

3. Not taking rejection very well.

Some connections work, some connections won’t. That’s just the way it is when you date online and offline. Not all of the people you meet will be ideal for you or will be willing to enter into a relationship with you. It’s a harsh reality that you need to accept as soon as possible.

4. Being unwilling to step out of your dating comfort zone.

So we already talked about preferences on the first item on this list. Now, you have to be open to stepping out of your comfort zone. This means that you need to be open to trying new things and not just meeting new types of people. For example, if you’re more comfortable with meeting at restaurants, change it up and meet at local cafes or even at parks and museums. The point is for you to try something new, dating-wise.

5. Spend more time developing your profile.

We’ve been through this last year. You need to improve your online dating profile so you can turn more heads. Start with your photos. Take professionals ones and then take down the old ones that show you in a bad light.

These are just some of the toxic dating habits that you need to let go of before the year ends. Be honest with yourself, you know you’re guilty doing some of the habits on the list above. However, you can always do something about it. Make it your new year’s resolution. For more dating tips, check out more on our blog.

Dating Rules We All Need To Break This Year

It’s 2021. Some of us really need to update the dating rules they know and follow. It’s true that there are rules that will remain classic, but others have really changed. If you can’t get with the times, this might be why you don’t have much luck in your dating pursuits lately.

Update Your Knowledge By Dropping These Outdated Dating Rules

For you to level up your game, you have to stay updated. Start with your dating rules. Below, we’ve listed down some rules that you should definitely drop ASAP:

1. No Kissing On The First Date

Whoever made this dating rule? When you spend an evening with someone wonderful, it’s only natural for you to want to act on the electricity you feel. The person you’re with might just feel the same too. Give into it.

2. Three Is A Crowd

If you’re comfortable taking other people on your first date, go ahead. Just make sure that the other person knows about it and that he or she is OK with it. Remember that your first date is for testing chemistry. If you hit it off, always remember you can get to know each other on the second date.

3. Dress To Impress

You don’t have to wear your best suit to go on a date. This isn’t to say that you can wear your gym clothes. Nope. All you have to do is dress appropriately and look like you put a bit of effort into your look. Contrary to what you may be thinking, a simple outfit is acceptable.

4. 3-Day Rule

Whoever said that you need to wait three days before you text someone after a first date is old-fashioned. If you truly like someone, it’s important that you support it with your actions. It’s going to be a bit weird for your date, wondering if you’re going to text or not when you’ve had a great night. Don’t wait, if you want to, text right after you say goodbye to each other, why not?

These four dating rules are basic, but they will help you get a second date, and hopefully, change your perspective about what dating is like today. For more updates on modern dating, read more posts on our blog.
