How The Halo Effect Makes People Attractive

Have you ever come across someone on a reliable dating site and thought, “Wow, this person might be interesting to get to know.” You start chatting with this person, and just attribute how you felt to “having that instant spark.” Actually, what you felt was the Halo Effect.

The Halo Effect Is Synonymous To First Impressions

Experts define the Halo Effect as a cognitive bias in which our own impression of a person changes the way we think about his or her character. Most of us refer to it as first impressions or stereotypes. However, you want to call or define it, one thing’s for sure, it affects how attractive we view people.

1. Attractive Means Interesting

Automatically, whenever we see an attractive person, we think that the person is interesting to get to know. It’s because attractive features are commonly associated with a lot of positive traits like:

  • Being well educated
  • Funny
  • Kind
  • Adventurous, and so on

2. Being Of Good Character

Aside from associating positive traits to the person, we also presume that the person has good character. This means that we think the person is generally good. It could be the case, but it could also be otherwise.

3. Bad Traits Go Unseen (For A While)

Since we already have a really good first impression of the attractive person we met, their bad traits are left unseen, at least for a while. We are so wrapped up in confirming the impression we formed that we only see the things we want to see.

Add in the fact that you are going to experience your “Honeymoon Stage” with the person. You will definitely feel like the person you met is perfect in every way.

Moving Past The Halo Effect Takes Time

Because we have already formed our own impression of how the person is like, it’s going to be challenging to correct the image that we have formed. The best remedy to this would be to truly make an effort to get to know someone you just met online or offline. Be more patient with people, ask them questions, and be open too. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

How To Heal A Relationship Crisis

No matter how good your chemistry was when you first met each other on a dating website or offline, you’ll eventually experience a relationship crisis. You have to know that it is normal. Every couple goes through it. Although things may seem bad right now, the worst thing that you could do is let go. Please know that there’s still room for healing.

Don’t Let Go Easily When Experiencing A Relationship Crisis

A relationship crisis happens when you are experiencing a prolonged time of difficulty. Every day, you’ll most likely feel heavy, like you don’t want to get out of bed anymore or even see your partner. It sounds bleak, right? Review and apply the following measures to start your healing process:

1. Stop All Of Your Efforts Temporarily

What’s ironic about this situation is that we always try to fix things. However, no matter how hard we try to patch our relationship up, it always seems to get worse. Promise yourself that you’re just going to allow things to flow. Temporarily, you have to stop all of the efforts you plan on doing.

2. Agree To Take A Rest From Your Relationship Crisis

Being in a relationship crisis could mean that you’re always at each others’ throats. Starting today, you have to lay down a truce. Agree that you should stop the fighting. Find a common ground where you can be neutral.

3. Recharge

One way for you to recharge is to get some mental and physical rest. It’s up to you how you achieve this. Physically, you can exercise or go for a run, get a massage, or simply take a nap. As for your emotional aspect, try taking up a new hobby or take on a task you know you can conquer.

4. Wait For Each Other To Be Ready

As you are on your resting period, you have to remember that you must eventually talk to your partner to patch everything up. Wait for yourself and for him or her to be ready. When you are finally rested and recharged, you can talk about the difficult topics that you could not when you were exhausted.

The main idea is to promote healing and rest. When you are in a relationship crisis, it can be exhausting and draining. If you truly want to move forward, you have to regain yourself because it’s likely that you have lost your identity in the process. For more relationship tips, read other posts on the blog.

Date Women Successfully With These Tips

Whether you admit it or not, most guys have the wrong angle when it comes to attracting women. Most believe that women have to fulfill specific gender roles. Others believe that women have to fit into this cookie-cutter idea they have in their heads. Well, these misconceptions won’t allow you to date women successfully.

To Date Women Successfully, You Need A Fresh Perspective

The first thing that you need to do is drop all of the misconceptions you have. Some may be right but consider that not every one of what you believe is correct. For example, for you to date women successfully, try the following tips that may contradict your beliefs about females:

Looks Don’t Matter As Much To A Woman

It’s no secret that men value appearance a lot. However, it’s different with women. They also value looks, but not as much as the men. In conclusion, don’t be afraid to approach women who you think are out of your league. Talk to drop dead gorgeous women and just try your luck. Don’t jump ahead of yourself.

Display True Confidence To Date Women Successfully

A lot of men don’t know exactly how to interpret the statement, “Be confident”. It’s not about being macho or acting cocky. It is about being comfortable with one self and in return make the woman feel comfortable. For example, when we are with family and friends, we are confident because we know that we are liked. You should act the same way when you are with a woman you like.

It doesn’t matter if you’re not sure whether she likes you are not. Try to break through your shyness so you can also have a breakthrough in your date life.

Make A Good Emotional Impact On Her

As mentioned, how you make a woman feel when you are chatting or on your date is crucial. If you were distracted, it’s likely that you made her feel unimportant. Whatever you do, just remember that it should be about her – getting to know her as a person.

You can date women successfully if you apply these tips on the way you date. If none of your tactics have been working so far, what have you got to lose, right? For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

Tips To Openly Communicate Your Feelings To A Woman

To those of you who are planning to meet lovely ladies, how do you openly communicate your feelings to a woman you’re falling for? Many may not know how to answer this question because it’s hard for most men to let their emotions out, especially through words. But, in the online dating world, it is essential because your means of connecting with others will be through online communication.

Effectively Communicate Your Feelings By Setting The Mood

Contrary to those romantic comedy movies you’ve seen, you don’t just say how you feel spontaneously. If you truly value the lady you want to express your love to, you have to take time and wait for the right moment. You can also create the right moment instead of waiting for it by following these steps:

1. Prepare Your Environment

You have to eliminate all the possible distractions. Make sure that the room you’re in is not noisy so you can clearly hear each other. Don’t forget the lights too. Make sure that when you are doing a video call, your face is visible on the camera.

2. Highlight Your Experience

As you are talking, don’t blurt it out instantly. You have to highlight your experience first. Tell the lady that you have had such a wonderful time getting to know how over weeks or months. Let her know that she is an interesting and unique person that you would like to get to know some more.

3. Ease Into What You Want To Say

Now that your lady knows that you are interested, it’s time for you to tell her that you are falling for her. Ask if she would also be interested to date you or be with you in a serious relationship.

4. Prepare For The Response

Her response could either be a yes or a no, so it will depend on her. Whatever her answer is, be ready for it. If she’s not ready to be in a serious relationship yet, don’t push it. Just ask if you can continue to do what you are doing. If she says yes, then that’s it!

Timing Is Crucial

Timing is everything. In an offline situation, you may have gotten away with just saying that you have fallen for the woman you’re with. But, in the online world, you have to set the mood to get things right and get the best response. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.