Get The Dating Life You’ve Always Wanted By Following These Rules

We all want a perfect dating life, but we all know it’s impossible. Maybe we shouldn’t aim for “perfect” when we are meeting new people. We should just go for fulfilling. So, how does one have a fulfilling dating life in this modern time?

To Improve Your Dating Life, Make Yourself A Priority

When we are actively seeking a potential partner, we have to be secure in ourselves. Most of the time, people don’t really think of their own security because it’s simply going to come when love is already in place. Actually, no. You won’t survive the dating world if you do not know how to put yourself first. Here’s how you do it:

Never Chase Someone Who Isn’t Making You A Priority

When someone is not making you his or her priority, then it is time to let this person go. Don’t stay and hope that eventually they might include you in the list because it is never going to happen. You can maintain your self-respect by walking away.

Are You A Better Person?

Do you think you have become a better person ever since your date went into your life? Do you think he or she is a good influence on you? Great, if the answer is yes. But, if your bad side is showing or your date is always getting your rude side out of you, it’s a giant red flag.

Drop “Should” From Your Vocabulary To Improve Your Dating Life

The word “should” has a lot of meanings. When used often in a relationship, for example “You should be sweeter”, it reminds the other person that whatever he or she is doing is not enough.

Are You A Prize?

Be sure to take a good look at yourself too because there are areas that you need to improve. If you were asked, do you think that you are considered to be a “prize” by those who might be into you romantically?

The rules that you read above are simple, but they are focused more on how you feel as a person. They focus on how secure you are as someone who knows that he or she can improve. Be self-focused, but make sure that you do not go into the territory of being self-centered. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

Still looking for The One? Here’s what you are doing wrong

We all have a type when it comes to dating or meeting people. Whether you admit it or not, we, either consciously or subconsciously, look for traits that we have put on our list. As we go on this journey, we often say that we are looking for the one.

Is Looking For The One A Fruitless Endeavor?

There’s absolutely no problem with the wanting to find someone to love. We all have that basic human need. What’s not working for us, however, is the mindset that we adopt when we look for someone to care for. Experts call it the “destiny mindset”. So, why is it detrimental?

1. It Makes Us Focus On One’s Faults

When you have this long list of traits that are more positive, you will tend to look for traits in your date that’s not on your list. The traits your date lacks are much easier to spot, don’t you agree? For example, you already have this “type” in your mind who likes to sing. If your date doesn’t have a passion for it, then immediately, he or she is not the right person.

2. You May Miss Your Chance To Date Someone Great

You might be dating someone who already has a lot of good traits. They may not be the traits you want, but that doesn’t mean that the person isn’t good for you. This may be the chance that you are looking for, but you don’t see it because you’re too focused on your list.

3. Someone Better Might Come Along

When looking for The One, you’ll always have this thought in your mind that someone better will come along. Let’s say the person you are seeing now is already great but he or she doesn’t have one or two qualities that you wish your partner to have. Naturally, with the destiny mindset, you’ll tell yourself that “the one” is still out there and you should keep looking.

What Can You Do Differently When Looking For The One?

The best way to turn things around would be to have a growth mindset – the belief that any relationship can grow, develop, or change over time. Having this kind of mindset allows you to focus on building a good foundation and correcting your errors as you go along. You acknowledge that things are not perfect, but they can be better when both people work hard for it. For more dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

These Are The Signs Of A Long-lasting Relationship

Who, in their right mind, wouldn’t want to be in a long-lasting relationship? We go out meeting new people and dating just for the very reason. Of course, there are those who just want to play around, but eventually, they will want something more serious and permanent.

A Long-lasting Relationship Is Filled With Love And Respect

It’s mandatory for a long lasting relationship to be filled with all the “good stuff”. Definitely, love and respect are on the top of the list. But, aside from the two mentioned, what other characteristics does a long-lasting relationship have?

Attention To Each Other’s Daily Lives

Even if your day was uneventful, you will still have the desire to share it with your significant other. The smallest of details, that may not matter to a person outside the relationship, is something exciting that you want to share to the person you’re with. Reciprocally, your partner is excited or glad to hear it too.

A Long-lasting Relationship Is Also Filled With Kindness

If there’s respect in the relationship, there will always be kindness. If you are not kind to each other, then it’s a bad sign. You can’t say that you are in love with each other when everyone sees how cruel you act most of the time. Always remember, true love is never cruel. It doesn’t find the tiniest of faults, and showers one person with blame and anger.

Spontaneous Warmth And Affection

When you are in a good place, the warmth and affection in your relationship come out naturally. It is not asked for, nor is it forced. When one person is feeling down or needs affection, the other gives it as though the action were like breathing air – natural and necessary.

Do you think you’re in a long lasting relationship now that you know what the signs are? If you aren’t, it’s fine because you might just still be on your way. The kind of relationship that can stand the test of time does not appear overnight. You have to work for it. For more updates and tips, read other posts on the blog.

This Is the Best Way to Meet Someone New

If you have dated online already, or even if you haven’t, you must try video dating. In most cases, we only text with potential partners, but we never really go the extra mile and have a video chat with them. And it’s about time you start doing so because it’s one of the best ways to meet someone new.

Why Video Dating Is Ideal To Meet Someone New Online

You’re probably thinking that you are not the kind of person who goes video dating, especially with strangers that you just met. Don’t worry. Everyone has that feeling. However, you should consider going on a video date for the following reasons:

Video Dating Will Confirm Someone’s Identity

It’s fine if you just want to stick to chatting, but you have to admit that video dating will quickly confirm the identity of a person. It’s difficult to cheat a live video feed, you know. Compare this with just chatting online. You can ask for photos, but it’s just way faster through a video. You don’t have to second guess your date’s identity or be worried about being catfished.

It’s The Next Best Thing To Meeting In Real Life

There are circumstances that hinder us from meeting the people we meet through online dating. If this is your case, then dating through video is the next best thing. Of course, it cannot replace meeting in real life, but it’s a good enough alternative if you and your date do not have the means yet.

Make A Better Connection When You Meet Someone New

If you just chat with someone online, that’s fine. You can make a connection through this way, but imagine seeing the person through video and then chatting with him or her. You can make a better connection because you actually see each other’s expressions and gestures. If you see your date smiling through video, it would make you happy (and vice versa).

It’s going to be something new for you, but maybe this is the change that needs to happen so you can have a more exciting dating life. Consider it so you can meet someone new faster and easier. For more dating and relationship tips, read other posts on the blog.