The Lies You Believe That Keep You From Finding Real Love

When it comes to our love lives, we have this certain belief that everything should be perfect, or that everything should be a fairy-tale. Our ideal relationship couldn’t be farther than the truth. Eventually, we find this out in a hard way. We realize that there are certain beliefs we hold that keep us from finding real love.

Finding Real Love Is Challenging For You Because Of What You Believe In

There are things that are true to us, but they may not necessarily be facts. According to experts, these beliefs that we hold close to us are the main culprits that are causing us to be single. Finding true love becomes challenging if we put the following beliefs first:

“I have to work on myself first.”

To some extent, working on yourself is good. But, when will you be perfect? Or, when will you be ready to go out there and date? It’s a challenge because you have to have enough awareness to know when you are good enough. Actually, the truth is, we all need just a little bit of work, then we can dive in. We cannot be anything and everything to one person. Everyone of us is a work in progress.

“Being in a relationship will give up your power.”

Most people believe that when one person is in a relationship, he or she will give up his or her power and freedom. When you are with another person, you always have to be considerate. If you look at it this way, then yes, it could be seen as giving up your power since you have to accommodate someone else in your life. Others, on the other hand, view it as an enhancement and not a deficiency. Although you may not be able to do the things that you were free to do when you were single, you gladly give these up to work on your new life with the person you love.

“She/He will change if I am good enough.”

We all have this innate belief that says love always triumphs. It’s true to some extent, but never when it comes to changing people. People change because they want to. The initiator has to be themselves. They will never change because of how they are treated by others.

Try Finding True Love After Considering These Tips

Once you get over these beliefs, you will be better at finding or connecting with the right people. You will be able to choose who you want to connect to and how. Of course, things won’t still be 100% easy, but you are on your way to finding real love quicker because you are aligned in the truth. For more dating and relationship tips, read other posts on the blog.

Date Topics Which Will Save You A Lot Of Time

It’s great to have meaningful conversations about different date topics with the person you are seeing but in some cases, your conversations all go to waste. It’s either the date did not work out or the person you’re dating doesn’t want to be in a serious relationship. It won’t sound good, but you have to accept that you may have just wasted your time.

Date Topics That Will Let You Filter Through Potentials

Whenever you are on a date in real life or online, you are expected to talk about certain topics, to get to know each other better through conversations. Use this to filter your through the dates that are good matches for you:

When Was Your Last Relationship?

You might think that this one only requires one answer. It does, but the beauty of this question is that it is an opener for other topics. For example, after your date answers this, you can ask him or her what happened, who broke up with who, and so on.

What Type Of Music Do You Listen To?

Is music your thing? You don’t have to have the same musical tastes to ensure that your relationship is harmonious. You do, however, have to be open to what the other likes. Music is just one aspect of your interests so you can definitely change the question if you want. Then, ask yourself, am I open to what this guy or girl is interested in?

Ask About Something Controversial

Why would you ask about something controversial? Well, for one, you’ll be able to know the person’s inner thoughts about certain societal issues. From there, you will have a clearer view or perspective on how the person’s mind operates.

Be Imaginative With Your Date Topics

When you talk about all three topics on a date, you will, more or less, understand what a person is all about. You’re not going to get to his or her core yet, but you’ll have a good idea. You can always change the questions. Just remember that the goal is to get to know what a person likes or what his or her character is. From there, you should be able to filter the dates you see. For more tips about dating, read other posts on the blog.

Why Rotational Dating will Work For You This Year

In 2021, if your dating game wasn’t as exciting as you hoped it would be, you’ve got yourself a brand new chance. This year, try to learn new techniques, meet new people, and try something that’s called rotational dating.

Rotational Dating Could Help You Find Love Quicker

We’ve all gone through the heartbreaking situation where our date isn’t as committed to the relationship as we are. Well, we might just avoid this feeling by trying out rotational dating.

Basically, it’s when you date multiple people at the same time. The best person wins! Both men and women can do it, but you’d have to let the person you’re dating know that you’re seeing other people. You don’t want to be the one who’s breaking someone’s heart.

PROs Of Rotational Dating

So, why would you rotate your dates? There are a couple of advantages that you will find useful:

1 . You save your time.

Since you’re dating multiple people at the same time, you’re not wasting your time in a way. You don’t have to spend all of your time with one person because the process allows you to see multiple people.

2. It prevents you from focusing on one person too much.

Dating one person leaves you vulnerable to falling in love fast. the result of this is that you invest your emotions, time and effort, without ensuring that your date is just as into you. Your focus will be divided so you don’t have to worry about falling hard for the wrong mate.

3 . You have the power.

You say what commitment looks like for you. If you’re looking for a person who will be there for you during your darkest times, then it’s possible for you to find the right one through dating in rotation.

Just remember that your dates have to agree with you putting them into this situation. Also, don’t use rotational dating as a means to manipulate people into a committed relationship with you. Just be open-minded, try it and see if it works. For more dating and relationship advice, read other posts on the blog.

These Are The Online Dating Resolutions To Make Before New Year

How has your dating life been in 2021? Whether you’ve encountered more rejections than actual dates, you have to leave all of those behind because 2022 is approaching fast. To welcome the New Year correctly, you can start making your online dating resolutions.

Online Dating Resolutions That Will Bring You More Dates

So what do you think should you change about the way you approach online dating? If you’ve received one too many rejections, then you probably need to change a lot. You can start with the following online dating resolutions:

1. More First Dates

How many first dates did you go on in 2021? Next year, be sure to say yes to first date invitations. Also, if you meet someone you are truly interested in, don’t delay or hesitate. Ask this person out right away.

2. Go Out More

Getting out more can improve your social and communication skills. Both of these can greatly affect your online dating life in a more positive way.

3. Stop Ghosting People

Are you guilty of ghosting your online dates? Well, you better stop the habit in 2022. Man up and do the right thing. This is one dating trend that should never be included in the new year.

4. Define Your Intentions

Have you ever dated a person, but you haven’t quite figured out what you wanted yet? Stop doing this. If you want a serious relationship, let your potential dates know. If not and you’re just casually dating, it’s fine as long as you tell your potential dates what you’re currently into.

The list for online dating resolutions may not be comprehensive, but it should get you stared. Even before the New Year arrives, try your best to get rid of your bad dating habits. For more online dating tips, read other posts from the blog.