Basic But Essential Rules of Dating in Europe

Each country in Europe has its own set of “dating in Europe” rules, but there are a few general things that foreign men might like to know. That is why we’ve compiled 5 basic yet essential rules of dating in Europe. These rules are specifically for foreign men who want to date European women, and we’ve broken them down to stages or phases, so they’re much easier to understand.

What You Must Know If You’re Interested In Dating In Europe

Meeting and Making the First Move

Just like in most countries, men are expected to make the first move. There are, however, European countries where women do the approaching. Switzerland is a good example of this as men are more reserved. As for the meeting part, most Europeans don’t really go on dates with strangers. Most people who go on dates know each other from a friend or a friend of a friend. This is not to say, of course, that dating in Europe doesn’t involve going up to a random woman on the street and asking her out. It happens but not often for locals. A foreign man, however, might have better luck in that department.

Places to Date

Remember this because it’s important: dating in Europe is more casual. A date may involve walks in the park or walks from somewhere to a cafe. It could also involve trips to the cinema, an informal dinner and more walks. In some European countries, a potential couple may also go on hikes or go biking. The idea is to make things more casual, so you have room to really get to know each other.

The Date

This may be the number one thing on your mind now: who pays? Well, the man offers to pay first but don’t be surprised if the woman thinks it better to go Dutch. This is very common during the first date but never forget to offer first. Next up is the way you dress. When you’re not doing anything sporty, make sure that you dress up even a little bit. European women appreciate men wearing something snazzy. Think smart-casual. Now, during the date itself, you might find yourself bombarded with straight to the point banter. It’s natural. European women will tell you exactly what’s on their mind so get used to the idea.

After the Date

So after you’ve had a wonderful meeting and you’ve escorted your European lady to her doorstep, do you kiss or not? It could be a yes or a no. This depends on which country your European woman came from. If she’s from France then go ahead and pucker up, but you also need to remember the significance of a kiss. It could mean that you’re a couple already.

Calling/Texting the Day After

There’s much debate to this one. Too early and you might scare off the girl because you’re too clingy. Too late and the girl might just lose interest altogether. Dating in Europe, however, is different because it’s the norm for the man to text or call right away. As a matter of fact, most European men call and text the ladies that they’re interested in quite often.

There you have it. 5 Essential rules for dating in Europe. This doesn’t make you 100% ready for the real thing (the actual date) because there’s more to learn, but it helps in a small way – it gets you started. Apply the rules to your European lady and see if it gets you results.

Things You Need To Know About Women From Bulgaria

Bulgaria is a country bounded by rich cultures all around. It developed its flavor of culture deriving influences from Greeks, Romans, Turkish, Persian and Celtics to name a few. Other than the melting pot of cultures, this nation is also home to one of the world’s most beautiful people (aka women from Bulgaria) with the interracial mixes of Russian, Balkan, Greek and even a touch of a Middle Eastern beauty as well.

It is said that men have trouble concentrating on other tourist attractions in Bulgaria because Bulgarian ladies are too much of an eye candy. But there are more to these beauties than just their physical attributes.

What Makes Women From Bulgaria So Interesting

Bulgarian Ladies are Their Own People

Historically, Bulgaria is more of a patriarchal society; but women have slowly made their mark into the society. Women have worked their way from the right to vote to occupying 20% of the seats in parliament. They also hold significant roles in household decisions, in agriculture, and owning properties.

Women are only second to men, in contemporary times, in educational attainments and are less often raised to leadership positions. But Bulgarian ladies are strong women who can hold their own in the world of men even at a disadvantage.

Beautiful from Head to Toe

The fact that women from Bulgaria have made it to the top 5 of the world’s most beautiful girls did not happen by sheer luck or accident. These ladies, smart and strong as they are, still pay particular attention to their looks. Women in Bulgaria work out and make it a point to look fabulous and even all-out glamorous even for just a trip to the grocery. They know that they are blessed with the bone structures to look like Hollywood superstars and they sure know how to play up God’s gifts and use every opportunity to show it off to the world.

Winning Personalities

And the best thing about these marvelous Bulgarian ladies is their soft and loving personalities once you get to know them. These ladies are smart, beautiful and strong outside, but are sensitive and caring once you break through the outer layers. They may seem like the “devil-may-care” types, but deep down, they are just sweet girls who will know how to love you just right. Be wary, though, these ladies can go from your dream girl to your worst nightmare in 3 seconds if you decide to do her wrong. These women are fiercely loyal and expect to be treated by the same token. She will make every effort to make you feel loved and it just is fair you return the favor.

As an added bonus, these girls, despite their supermodel figures, are amazing in the kitchen. They have been trained from a young age in the art of cooking by their mothers before them and have been schooled in the saying that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. These amazing Bulgarian ladies will cook you a storm each time and will spoil you to the point of going up a pants size.

These are just a few aspects of the gem that is a Bulgarian lady. Despite these general attributes, each lady has her own unique traits that will make you fall for more than just the superstar exterior but for the sparkling personality and the warm and fuzzy feeling she gives you each time.

For more advice like this, visit the rest of our blog.

Make Your Dating Profile Ready For Valentine’s Day

With certainty, it’s beneficial for you to be online during Valentine’s Day. There’s going to be a lot of singles who will be online since it is the day for love. Those who do not have partners yet may be in the mood to meet people. However, can you say that your dating profile is ready for Valentine’s Day?

To Be Ready For Valentine’s Day, You Have To Overhaul Your Profile

You probably haven’t updated your profile in a long time. It’s time that you do so, and make it ready for Valentine’s Day. There are a few techniques you can apply to make your profile stand out:

Photos Of You Smiling

How many photos do you have of yourself smiling? If you don’t have any, upload some. Smiling makes you appear more approachable. Potential partners will feel more comfortable messaging you if you appear friendly and easy to talk to.

Photos Of Your Life

Remember that your photos are supposed to show off certain aspects of your life. For example, if you love traveling, then make sure that you have photos of you doing so. Just remember that you should not include too many group photos if you don’t want to confuse potential dates.

What Makes You Special?

Think about what you’re doing now that can set you apart from the rest. For example, if you’re playing a video game that’s very interesting, mention that. If you’re reading an interesting book, mention it. Anything you’re doing right now that sounds fun, make sure to include it in your dating profile together with your new photos.

Important Reminder

All of these updates make great ice-breakers. However, don’t just expect people to message you directly. Some will, but if you like someone don’t wait for the person to make the first move.

If you follow the tips above, you have to understand that it’s not going to instantly translate to dates. The main idea is to attract the right kind of people, boosting your dating profile and making it more noticeable. Through this, you’ll have a better chance at finding a date. For more online dating tips, read other posts on the blog.

Don’t Make These Crucial Mistakes When Dating Slavic Women

If you think that you can never make mistakes when dating Slavic ladies online or even just dating online in general, you have to think twice because you’re allowing yourself to not pay attention, and that is a recipe for disaster. You always have to pay attention for both your financial safety and emotional safety. So, for your information, we’re providing you with a list of five crucial mistakes you can make when dating Slavic (or any other) ladies online.

These Crucial Mistakes Are Holding You Back In Dating

Mistake #1: Saying “I Love You” even if you don’t mean it.

To a Slavic woman, these three little words mean something very serious. That’s the problem though, isn’t it? Most of us need to take these three little words more serious and we shouldn’t throw them around lightly. Only say it if you mean it because you don’t want the Slavic lady you are corresponding with to string along. You wouldn’t want the same done to you, right?

Mistake #2: Assuming she likes you.

Here’s the thing. Most of the foreign men we talked to had the problem of their Slavic lady just disappearing on them and then, later on, they reemerge saying that they already have a boyfriend. You won’t be let down if you don’t assume anything. To avoid this, make sure that you talk to a Slavic lady about her private life, in a polite manner of course. Don’t just assume that she likes you and that she doesn’t have a boyfriend.

Mistake #3: Moving in too early.

When you have all these intense feelings boiling up inside you, it’s easy to make rash decisions about things. Usually, family and friends will tell you right off the bat that you’re moving too fast or that what you’re doing could be dangerous. This is a good sign that you actually are doing something too early or something dangerous. Stop and listen to the people who care for you. Take things slow and get to know the person first before making any major life choices like moving in.

Mistake #4: Sending money and a lot of it.

Haven’t you heard? This is probably the most popular no-no in the online dating world. It’s been a no-no ever since the online dating game started and it’s a no-no until today for the same reason. Never send money to someone you just met online. This person might be scamming you and you’re risking exposing your personal details. This is just a heartbreak waiting to happen so don’t do it.

Mistake #5: Misrepresenting yourself.

We’ve said this over a hundred times in our blog posts: never misrepresent yourself. You’re risking the trust in the relationship. Think about it because you don’t want things to go sour right before the relationship blossoms. Also, honesty is very important when dating Slavic ladies (or any other lady for that matter).

Avoid These Mistakes

We make the posts but it’s essentially up to you to implement what’s in the post. You’d have to exercise self-discipline, a lot of it, so you don’t get blind-sided by lies and deception. We don’t mean just from her either. Make sure to check yourself and your intentions before diving into something and making these crucial mistakes.

For more advice about dating, check the rest of our blog.