She Will Fall Out Of Love With You If This Happens In A Relationship

No one in the world would disagree that love is a magnificent thing. This is why it’s so ugly when you realize your partner has started to fall out of love with you. You wonder what you might have done wrong, or what the problem may be with her, and if there’s a way to reverse things or it’s too late. Save yourself this pain by learning the things that make a lady’s heart grow cold.

Women Fall Out Of Love Because Of These Things

There’s a wide spectrum of things that can make a woman lose her faith and her interest in a relationship and not want to be with a guy anymore. They may be reasons starting with her own self or be off-putting behaviors of her partner.

#1. Because she feels like she’s lost herself.

Sometimes when we’re in a relationship we focus all our attention on our partner and what makes them happy. This is often to the detriment of our personal satisfaction and happiness and can lead to feelings of resentment and bitterness in the long run.

#2. Because you’re growing apart.

The person you are in your 20s may be worlds apart from who you are in your 30s and forties. So, especially in long-term relationships, there is always a fear of growing up to be different people, with totally different goals, likes, and aspirations.

#3. Because the honeymoon phase is over.

Conversely, if it’s a short-lived relationship we’re talking about, it may just be that the first period of your time together has passed. So, now you’re over the phase where everything seems perfect, she’s starting to see some annoying things about you that she either found cute before or she wasn’t even able to discern.

#4.Because she’s feeling neglected.

As the English proverb goes “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. Even if you feel like you’re entitled to pay less attention to your girl because, say, you’re too busy with work commitments, the truth of the matter is that a lady who feels like she’s playing second fiddle in your life is one who will soon lose interest. Make your girl your priority, or she might quickly fall out of love with you.

#5. Because she can’t take any more criticism.

As we become more and more familiar with each other, we might start feeling it’s our right to pass judgment on our partner. But the minute we decide we are entitled to criticize her, we may fall into the trap of doing it as often and whenever we see fit. This is a sure-fire way to make her lose interest in trying to impress you, and then a guaranteed way to make her fall out of love with you as her self-esteem takes constant blows from your harsh words.

It’s true, sometimes we take each other for granted so much that we lose touch with the things that make our partners fall out of love with us. We may even be as deluded as to believe it’s impossible to ever lose our girl. Realizing the aforementioned reasons to fall out of love are legit can make us act differently, though, preventing such a sad outcome and helping us keep our girls (and ourselves) happy.

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How To Turn Online Flirting Into An Offline Relationship

With the sun shining brightly and the refreshingly cool spring breeze softly touching our faces, isn’t it weird we’re at home in front of our computer screens instead of out there enjoying ourselves together? No, it isn’t, because this is how modern life is sometimes. We meet people online, we flirt with them, trying to figure out if this online flirting can work IRL, and then we freak out at the prospect of making the next step.

Online Flirting Is Fun, But You Should Take A Step Further

There’s no doubt that there is attraction in having a mysterious stranger text you or e-mail you or chat with you. Someone with whom you can connect on so many levels that it kind of stresses you out if they will be equally attractive face-to-face or if they will still like you when they see you standing awkwardly right there in front of them.

But these are not reasons to avoid real life meetings with our online flirts. In fact, you should view online dating like the first dish you order at a restaurant; the appetizer that whets your (emotional) appetite and gives you a good idea about how good the restaurant is before the main course: the real-life date.

The Red Flags

The first thing that will help you decide if you should take the online flirting further is the absence of red flags. If you notice the other person wishing to leave the online site for more personal communication (via e-mail for example), it’s a worrying sign because online dating sites are there to ensure your safety.

Second, if they hardly ever have time for the meeting, say for instance they can only meet you on Tuesday from 7 to 9, it may be an indication they are in a relationship (or marriage) and can only go under the radar then.

The First Date

It isn’t always easy making sure the person is legit beforehand, though. So, when you arrange the first date make sure it’s during the day (no nights out on the first date), with a coffee date becoming more and more popular (for a number of reasons you can read here).

Some indicators of a bad date are: paying more attention to her mobile than you, talking about her ex too much, bad body language, rudeness to other people and bragging. These are all red flags you shouldn’t ignore, as they can save you a lot of time and trouble.

Taking Things To The Next Level

If you decide to continue dating after the first date, that’s great news. Make sure you keep things light and fun on your next dates, do open up a little but don’t overshare – too much too soon can scare people away and put you in an overly vulnerable position. Take things slow, but not too slow as you may be seen as too timid and maybe even not interested enough.

Be honest about your intentions, but don’t be blatant. There’s a fine line between sincerity and rudeness. If you are both into getting physical, go on – but be sure you’re on the same page and going for the same things. If it means more to one of you, it’s best to avoid it altogether for a start.

Meeting each other in the flesh can cause some disappointment at first, because who doesn’t present themselves in the best possible way when we are online? The truth can be less polished and revealing, but at the end of the day, everyone deserves to be appreciated and loved for who they really are.

Online flirting is a fantastic opportunity to get to know people from all walks of life, even from different places of the earth, and it should be celebrated for doing this amazing service to us. But avoiding IRL contact may be a sign that we are too afraid of commitment and shying away from the experiences of life.

We hope you found this article to be useful. If you’d like to read more like it click here. For the chance to meet amazing Eastern European ladies, visit AnastasiaDate today.

If You Are Dating, Watch Out, Or You’ll Become A Victim Of Love Bombing

One of the greatest things about the internet is how fast ideas and opinions travel the world. Some of the ideas or notions we find out about may not even be new, but their identification, how we put a name to a behavior, becomes known the world over very quickly. This is an amazing thing, as it can open up our eyes and save us from enormous amounts of pain. Such is the case of love bombing, a manipulation technique you need to know about.

What Is Love Bombing?

When you meet someone and they are quick to express their feelings about you, showering you with gifts, constantly reminding you of their feelings, being super-attentive and affectionate, communicating 24/7 and generally making you feel like you’re the center of their universe, you can say you are being “loved bombed”. So far so good.

So, What’s Wrong With Love Bombing?

You are probably thinking there is really nothing wrong with being shown love and affection, even if it’s all a bit over the top. Sadly, there’s a catch.

The problem is that those who use love bombing have a plan. Their plan is to control you by forming a kind of co-dependent relationship, by practically blinding you with their flattering attention, clouding your judgment as you fall more and more in love with them. How can a person who’s shown you so much love and affection, a person who has convinced you that she lives and breathes for you, be manipulating you?

The genius of the plan is exactly this lack of doubt. The manipulator insidiously makes you a flexible tool in her hands, someone whose life she’s in control of. You will realize when you make a decision she disagrees with, like arranging a night out with your friends. This is when her true colors will show.

How Will I Know It’s Not Genuine Attention?

The love bomber will suddenly change into someone who’s aggressive, controlling, and furious about you taking initiative. You may mistake her behavior for healthy jealousy or she might try to mask it by pretending she’s doing it out of love for you. But now you have been warned, you should be warier.

Those into the tactic of love bombing are sociopaths, narcissists and generally people who act like predators. If you can see behind their words, look into their actions when you act like an independent personality, you will easily recognize them.

The Scientist’s View

As psychiatrist Dale Archer wrote in Psychology Today: “If extravagant displays of affection continue indefinitely, if actions match words, and there is no devaluation phase, then it’s probably not love bombing.”

“On the other hand, if there’s an abrupt shift in the type of attention, from affectionate and loving to controlling and angry, with the pursuing partner making unreasonable demands, that’s a red flag. The important thing to remember about love bombing is that it is psychological partner abuse, period. When one person intentionally manipulates and exploits another ones weakness or insecurity, there’s no other word for it.”

Have all those nasty relationship tactics, like love bombing, appeared all of a sudden? Absolutely not. We are just in a better position to recognize and become informed about them. Thank the internet for that.

If you found this advice useful, read more on relationships and dating here. For the chance to meet gorgeous Eastern European ladies, visit AnastasiaDate.

The Relationship Mistakes Successful Men Make That Drive Women Away

We often say that no person can have it all. And the same goes for successful men, the men who are used to being top dog at work, those who make big bucks and get to call the shots when it comes to doing business. But what happens when they leave the office? Do they still have the upper hand at home?

How Successful Men May Lose Amazing Women

Just because you are well-respected and command people’s respect in the workplace, doesn’t mean you will be equally adept at handling your personal life. These are some of the mistakes made by successful men as regards women.

The first mistake they make is that they take their work home with them. There is no doubt that in order to be at the top of their game, they need to be dedicated and hard-working. However, sometimes this dedication goes too far, as they become workaholics who don’t allow themselves and their partners live and enjoy the moment. A life full of stress and not a moment of real relaxation is bound to tire anyone – so a lady will sooner or later lose patience and look for something more relaxed and stress-free instead.

The second super-serious mistake of successful men when it comes to relationships is that they want to have absolute control of them. They want to be the ones who make all the important decisions; from when to move in together to where to go on vacation. It is understandable (to some extent) that they are used to making serious decisions, but a relationship has to take both parties’ wants and needs into account, or one of the two parties will be left dissatisfied and unhappy.

Their third major mistake has to do with their demanding and presumptuous behavior. Successful men often demand that their partner should be at their beck and call, citing their hard work and tiredness as a reason for their demands. A woman who is in a relationship with a successful man is not his servant or subordinate, though. She is an equal and a peer, and she’ll grow sick and tired of feeling like the third wheel in her own life.

Another relationship mistake made by successful men is that they sometimes feel that they can buy their way out of things. Because they are usually affluent but are often unavailable due to long working hours, they might try to bribe their way out of trouble. For example, a guy who had to cancel a date because a business meeting came up, might try to get back in his lady’s good books by offering her an expensive bag or piece of jewelry. This type of behavior might be excusable, even welcome, once or twice, but a lady who’s not a gold-digger will soon realize it’s not expensive objects she needs, but a partner who’s present.

Last but not least, successful men tend to crave attention like spoilt children, often feeling extremely jealous of anything they feel might threaten their position as king of their missus’ heart. Therefore, it is very frequent for successful men to isolate their women from their friends and family, wanting to be the center of her attention and care.  It might seem sweet for a while, but especially given the fact a man like this can’t really offer his women that much time, she will soon feel resentful and bored.

Even though a man may be successful at work, he may not be doing such a great job when it comes to romance. If you belong to the category of successful men, you should be careful not to fall into the trap of making the aforementioned mistakes, because they may be costing you the chance to keep a great partner by your side.

Did you find our article helpful? You can read more on relationships and dating here. For the chance to meet some great Eastern European ladies that will change your life, visit AnastasiaDate today.